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 get information from the name file

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
joss31 Posted - 06/12/2014 : 06:14:02 AM
Origin 6.1 labtalk,

Hi everybody,

I import multiples ASCII files and I plot them in worksheets and in graphs.
The problem is when you import multiple file the %A is not the name of the file he is becoming the same of %B, but I need the name of my file not all the path.
So for getting information that I need I read character in the path but it does not work when I change the path.

getfile -m *.*; // Prompt for multiple files
for (ii = 1; ii <= count; ii ++)
getfile -g ii; // Get the iith file into %A
open -w %A; // This IMPORTS that file; // This OPENS the file for processing
%P = HEAP%[%A, 54:57]%[%A, 78:80];// Take the value of the heap and the number of the block store it in %P variable
%K = HEAP%[%A, 54:57];
%V =%[%A, 78:80];
worksheet -c ALLSTRTIME; // Create new Ycolumn named ALLSTRTIME
worksheet -c Ech%V;

So Is there a solution for get just the name file with a multiple file importation?
Changing the path with a file which existing like the "Origin6.1" file?

So thank you in advance for your reply.

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
greg Posted - 06/16/2014 : 2:20:49 PM
Newer versions of Origin have functions for getting things like path, filename, filename without extension, etc.
Your old version doesn't, so you'll have to kludge one together using substitution notation.

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