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 Grouping data in intervals

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Force Posted - 08/26/2014 : 07:56:20 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): origin 9.1pro
Operating System: win7

I am still relative new with Origin LabTalk but I have a question that I hope someone can help me with.
I am looking for at way to reduce my data by grouping them in intervals/bins (x-values) and calculate the sum of the corresponding y-values within each bin. I have tried:

wsort bycol:=10 c1:=10 c2:=14; // Sort col10 to col14
reducexy [%A]%B!(col(10),col(11)) subgroup:=inc xincr:=10 xstats:=last ystats:=ave oy:=(<autoX>,<new>);
However, I need ystats:=ave to be ystats:=sum, but apparently the “sum” it is not supported by this function. How do I solve this problem?

Best regards,
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Force Posted - 08/28/2014 : 4:00:33 PM
Thanks Greg,

It now works perfectly.
greg Posted - 08/28/2014 : 09:55:55 AM
The stats tree is re-populated after each use of the stats X-Function. If you are doing stats on multiple datasets, you have to use your before your next use of stats.

Re-arrange some code:

wsort bycol:=7 c1:=7 c2:=9;

range ra1 = 7, ra2 = 8, ra3 = 9; // your X,Y columns
wks.addcol(10); // To receive groupX;
range ra4 = $(wks.ncols);
wks.addcol(11); // To receive groupY
range ra5 = $(wks.ncols);
wks.addcol(12); // To receive groupY
range ra6 = $(wks.ncols);
// Initialize
xincr = 10;
xstart = ra1[1];
rowstart = 1;
row = 1;

xval = ra1[ii];
if(xval>= xstart + xincr)
// Summarize
ra4[row] = xstart + xincr;
stats ra2[rowstart:ii-1];
ra5[row] = stats.sum;
stats ra3[rowstart:ii-1];
ra6[row] = stats.sum;
xstart = xstart + xincr;
rowstart = ii;
// Final group
ra4[row] = ra1[ii-1];
stats ra2[rowstart:ii-1];
ra5[row] = stats.sum;
stats ra3[rowstart:ii-1];
ra6[row] = stats.sum;
Force Posted - 08/28/2014 : 05:23:10 AM
Hi Greg

Your script works perfect. Thanks. However, if I include an extra Y column I end up with two new identical Y columns. Do I define my range wrong?

wsort bycol:=7 c1:=7 c2:=9;

range ra1 = 7, ra2 = 8, ra3 = 9; // your X,Y columns
wks.addcol(10); // To receive groupX;
range ra4 = $(wks.ncols);
wks.addcol(11); // To receive groupY
range ra5 = $(wks.ncols);
wks.addcol(12); // To receive groupY
range ra6 = $(wks.ncols);
// Initialize
xincr = 10;
xstart = ra1[1];
rowstart = 1;
row = 1;

xval = ra1[ii];
if(xval>= xstart + xincr)
// Summarize
stats ra2[rowstart:ii-1];
stats ra3[rowstart:ii-1];
ra4[row] = xstart + xincr;
ra5[row] = stats.sum;
ra6[row] = stats.sum;
xstart = xstart + xincr;
rowstart = ii;


// Final group
stats ra2[rowstart:ii-1];
ra4[row] = ra1[ii-1];
ra5[row] = stats.sum;

stats ra3[rowstart:ii-1];
ra4[row] = ra1[ii-1];
ra6[row] = stats.sum;
greg Posted - 08/27/2014 : 12:56:17 PM
This will be supported in Origin 2015 - scheduled for release later this year.
Until then, you can use this script (after your sort):
// Setup ranges
range ra1 = 10, ra2 = 11; // your X,Y columns
wks.addcol(LastX); // To receive groupX
range ra3 = $(wks.ncols);
wks.addcol(SumY); // To receive groupY
range ra4 = $(wks.ncols);
// Initialize
xincr = 10;
xstart = ra1[1];
rowstart = 1;
row = 1;
// Now loop
xval = ra1[ii];
if(xval >= xstart + xincr)
// Summarize
stats ra2[rowstart:ii-1];
ra3[row] = ra1[ii-1]; // Last X, not the same as
// ra3[row] = xstart + xincr; // Last possible X
ra4[row] = stats.sum;
xstart = xstart + xincr;
rowstart = ii;
// Final group
stats ra2[rowstart:ii-1];
ra3[row] = ra1[ii-1];
// ra3[row] = xstart + xincr;
ra4[row] = stats.sum;

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