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 How to remove data points

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Mats77sv Posted - 08/29/2014 : 5:04:37 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 9.1
Operating System:win7


I am looking for a way to remove data points but only if certain requirements are satisfied. If data points in col(3) take the value of col(3)>=col(2)*0.9 then data points should be deleted if the next 4 data points have similar values. I have tried with:

csetvalue col:=col(3) formular:=”col(3) >= col(2)*0.9 ? 1/0 : col(3)” recalculate:=0;
csetvalue col:=col(3) formular:=”col(2)==NANUM?--:col(3)” recalculate:=0;

But how do I make it work only on data points where col(3)>=col(2)*0.9 in 4 rows right after each other? Is it even possible in Origin?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mats77sv Posted - 09/07/2014 : 5:11:14 PM
Hi Greg,

Sorry for my late response. Yes your coding now Works perfect in my script. Thanks.
greg Posted - 09/03/2014 : 09:35:52 AM
range raTarget = col(3), raTest = col(2);
count = 0; // Keep track of how many failed points
flag = 0; // Set to one when four sequence minimum is met
case 0:
if(raTarget[ii] >= raTest[ii] * 0.9) count++;
else count = 0;
if(count == 4) flag = 1;
case 1:
if(raTarget[ii] >= raTest[ii] * 0.9) count++;
raTarget[idx] = 0/0;
count = 0;
flag = 0;
Mats77sv Posted - 09/02/2014 : 4:23:45 PM
Hi Kathy,

Thank you for your quick reply.

Not a bad idea with the extra column, however it only solves part of my issue. Imagine you have col(4) with 7 "1" right after each other and then followed by only "0's". Once you step down the rows with

csetvalue col:=col(3) formula:="col(4)[i+1]+col(4)[i+2]+col(4)[i+3]+col(4)[i+4]==4?1/0:col(3)" recalculate:=0;

only the first few points will be removed as you eventually will start to sum over some "0". I want to remove all 7 points. If only there were ex. 3 "1" appearing right after each other, then none of them should be removed. It's a bit tricky and I am not sure how to solve it.
Kathy_Wang Posted - 09/01/2014 : 05:24:22 AM

An approach I could think of is to add a 4th column as reference and define it as col(3) >= col(2)*0.9 ? 1 : 0 so it fills with 1 or 0, and then you can sum up the reference values for the next 4 data points and if the value is 4, then this data point should be removed, and otherwise, it should be kept.

An example would be:

csetvalue col:=col(4) formula:="col(3) >= col(2)*0.9 ? 1 : 0" recalculate:=0;
csetvalue col:=col(3) formula:="col(4)[i+1]+col(4)[i+2]+col(4)[i+3]+col(4)[i+4]==4?1/0:col(3)" recalculate:=0;

And you may need to change the condition a bit according to your specific need (i.e does the 4 points include the data point itself.etc)


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