An approach I could think of is to add a 4th column as reference and define it as col(3) >= col(2)*0.9 ? 1 : 0 so it fills with 1 or 0, and then you can sum up the reference values for the next 4 data points and if the value is 4, then this data point should be removed, and otherwise, it should be kept.
An example would be:
csetvalue col:=col(4) formula:="col(3) >= col(2)*0.9 ? 1 : 0" recalculate:=0;
csetvalue col:=col(3) formula:="col(4)[i+1]+col(4)[i+2]+col(4)[i+3]+col(4)[i+4]==4?1/0:col(3)" recalculate:=0;
And you may need to change the condition a bit according to your specific need (i.e does the 4 points include the data point itself.etc)