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 Copying interpolated y-intercept values

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
DrMorbid Posted - 08/30/2014 : 4:06:20 PM

I have >10 graphs, each of which has a linear fit applied to it. The idea is to interpolate the fits, find the y-intercept value for each graph and copy all these y-intercepts to a new sheet in a new book. In other words, I need to find threshold voltages for many devices I've made. So far I have this code, but I have no idea how I can copy the r3(0) values for each graph to the new book. I've tried to use csetvalues and wxt x-functions, but failed. Thank you very much for help in advance.

doc -e W { // loop over all sheets in all books
if (%H != "Book1") { // omit the VTH book, which will gather all the y-intercepts$ = "Linear fit curve1"; // set the -5 V linear fit table to be active
range r1 = sheet$!col(1); // x-values of the linear fit
range r2 = sheet$!col(2); // y-values of the linear fit
range r3 = (r2, r1);
r3(0)=; // interpolated y-intercept of the linear fit to the original data
else break;
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
DrMorbid Posted - 09/01/2014 : 5:20:32 PM
Xie xie Kathy! This code worked well!
Kathy_Wang Posted - 09/01/2014 : 05:46:48 AM

Perhaps it is easier to directly assign the value in r3(0) to a worksheet cell (row i and column j) within each loop using col(j)[i] = r3(0), so could be something like:

//First define a range variable as a column in the "new book"
range rr = [Book1]Sheet1!col(1); //Change book/sheet name or column index if needed
//Define an integer as a counter for loops
i = 1;
doc -e W { // loop over all sheets in all books
if (%H != "Book1") { // omit the VTH book, which will gather all the y-intercepts$ = "FitLinearCurve1"; // set the -5 V linear fit table to be active, the default name is usually "FitLinearCurve1"
range r1 = !col(1); // x-values of the linear fit in active worksheet
range r2 = !col(2); // y-values of the linear fit in active worksheet
range r3 = (r2, r1);
r3(0)=; // interpolated y-intercept of the linear fit to the original data
rr[i] = r3(0);//Assign interpolated value to a corresponding cell
i = i + 1;
else break;


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