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 Improving the y-axis rescale option for graphs

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DrMorbid Posted - 09/04/2014 : 6:14:07 PM

is it possible in Origin to kind of combine the "fixed from" and "auto" rescale options for graphs? The current that I measure from my devices is always larger than zero, but the maximum value differs between batches of devices. So, using the "fixed from " option on its own is not good and the "auto" rescale option is also not perfect either, as it means that my graph will show the negative current values, which I never measure.

Ideally I would like not to have lots of empty space in my graphs as I currently do. I would prefer to be able to use Labtalk for this, as I test many devices and doing this by hand would take ages. Thank you!
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
SeanMao Posted - 09/09/2014 : 10:44:18 PM

Try the following code and see if it works for you:

layer.y.rescale=3;// rescale set as Auto
layer -a;// apply rescale
ff = layer.y.from;// record from after rescale
layer.y.from = 0;// manually set from as 0;// set to as min after rescale


DrMorbid Posted - 09/05/2014 : 7:21:17 PM
Hello Sean,

thank you for your suggestions, they do help a bit, but what I end up with in the end is that my graph is uside down. Please see the two files I've attached; a) is what is happening now and b) is what I would like to generate automatically. Apologies I did not properly explain what I am measuring: the current I am interested in is negative, but there will be some positive values as well (for x > 0), which are of no relevance and I do not have to show them.

Thank you!

SeanMao Posted - 09/04/2014 : 11:34:34 PM
Hi DrMorbid,

You may try the code below:

layer.x.from = 4; // Set the value for fixedfrom
layer.x.rescale = 4; // Set rescale mode to be fixedfrom
layer -a; // perform rescale of active layer

Search layer.axis.rescale in Labtalk help, you will find that there are 5 modes you can choose to do rescale: 1 = manual, 2 = normal, 3 = auto, 4 = fixed from, 5 = fixed to.

Hope that works for you!


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