T O P I C R E V I E W |
imoada |
Posted - 10/21/2014 : 04:07:03 AM Origin 9.1 sp3 64-bit Win7 ultimate sp1
Does anyone know how to use script (LabTalk) to enable/disable "Disable Editing" in "workshee properties -> Format -> Text Control" for "Standard/Data/Column Label/Long Name/Comments" in drop-down list of "apply to", respectively?
Thanks in advance.
5 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
MaxMace |
Posted - 11/06/2014 : 07:54:06 AM I've been searching for this for a while. I guess the solution from Greg is the easiest way to do it. I'm pretty new into this thing, so it may take some time for me to figure it out, though. Wish me luck!
It's a beautiful day! |
greg |
Posted - 10/23/2014 : 10:00:58 AM You can turn the Disable Editing checkbox on and off via script using two theme files and the themeApply2w X-Function. Send an email to tech@originlab with the Subject line Disable Editing Themes and be sure to include your Origin Serial Number in the email. |
cpyang |
Posted - 10/22/2014 : 10:27:56 PM Hi imoada,
There is no simple Labtalk way to control the Disable Editing checkbox in Cell Formatting, or Worksheet Property dialog, even though it can be done using Origin C.
What Greg pointed out is that you may also lock the entire sheet up to prevent editing by simply using the Labtalk command
lay -lw 2 for the active sheet. For more details, see
or the layer -lw command in
imoada |
Posted - 10/21/2014 : 6:02:10 PM Thank greg.
I know your answer. "Layer" command can't make change to the check box of "Disable Editing", this may cause coufusions to new origin user. Beside "layer" command, is there any other way to treat worksheet in accordance with my requirement. |
greg |
Posted - 10/21/2014 : 3:10:27 PM Check the Help file for the LAYER command...
layer -lw 2; // Make active sheet READ ONLY layer -lw 0; // Restore READ/WRITE