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 Separate data of a table

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Fulerena Posted - 11/17/2014 : 06:11:51 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): origin 9.1pro
Operating System: win7

Hi. I have a table with three columns potential, intensity and time from experimental data. The main column is the potential. It increases from 0 to a maximum value and then it returns to cero. If I represent E vs t, itīs like /\ (increases and decreases). But I repeat it /\/\/\ in different cycles so, in the same table I have different cycles and it increases and decreases few times.
In this way, I have only one table with three columns of all the cycles. I need to separate cycles. Is it possible to indicate in a program that it separate the data in the different cycles from the main table: from 0 to the maximum value (/) and from the maximum to cero (\) (for potential, intensity and time)?.
I have a program but it separates by time and not by potential. The problem is that if I change the potential, the cycle itīs longer and the time changes too. But here I indicate a constant value of time so it divides it before the E maximum value appears.
wxt test:="col(A)[i]>=0 AND col(A)[i]<=24,75" iw:= [Book1]Sheet1 ow:=[C01]Sheet1;
The E max changes so, I need to indicate that it must separate the data when it arrives to a maximum value of E (whatever it is) and not in a constant time.

I know itīs complicated and Iīm a begginer. Thanks!!!
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lkb0221 Posted - 11/18/2014 : 10:19:56 AM
Hi, Fulerena

I'm thinking running a peak finding to locate all peaks, both positive and negative. And then using these peak centers to separate the wks.


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