There is no LabTalk way to do it, but you can define an OC function and add this file to "User [AutoLoad]" folder in Code Builder so that every time you start Origin it will be available:
// This function will position given graph window with name
// winName and position and resize it
void Window_MoveWindow_ex1( string winName, int wLeft, int wTop, int wRight, int wBottom)
GraphPage gp = Project.GraphPages(winName);
if (gp.IsValid())
Window gWin = gp.GetWindow();
RECT RecNew;
RecNew.left = wLeft;
RecNew.top = wTop;
RecNew.right = wRight;
RecNew.bottom = wBottom;
After that you can run the command below directly in Script Window:
Window_MoveWindow_ex1(Graph1, 100,300,600,1000);
Give it a try and see how it goes!
OriginLab Tech.