Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): OriginPro 2018
Operating System: Windows 10 Pro
I want to calculate the statistics of different columns by grouping the data according to a reference column. With the user interface, I can easily do that with the "Group" option inside the "Statistics on Column" dialog (as shown in the next image).
Is it possible to achieve the same result with the "colstats" function? I would imagine it should be something as follows:
Range inputdat = [StatsCol]input!;
Range colref = [StatsCol]input!wcol(1);
Range colout = [StatsCol]output!wcol(1);
colstats inputdat ref:=colref col:=<none> mean:=<none> sd:=<none> median:=colout n:=<none> max:=<none> min:=<none>;
However, the "ref" variable does not work for this function, and I do not find any equivalent variable in the variables list of https://www.originlab.com/doc/en/X-Function/ref/colstats . In other words, I need a variable like "ref" for "colsplit" function or "irng2" for "wunstackcol" function, but that works for "colstats" function. Does it exists?
I also tried the alternative proposed in here: https://www.originlab.com/doc/LabTalk/Tutorials/Tutorial-Statistics#Statistics_on_columns_with_grouping . However, this option generates a report in a new sheet every time that it calculates the statistics, and i would like to have the output data (calculated statistics) in a specific sheet defined by me.
I am new both in this Forum and in working with LabTalk, so I am sorry if I am asking something basic or that it has already been answered before. I already serached in this Forum and in the OriginLab guides and I did not find the solution.
Thanks in advance for any help ![](icon_smile.gif)