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 remove plot from graph layer

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
tschunck Posted - 11/27/2024 : 4:50:24 PM
Origin Ver.: 2015
Operating System: Win11

I am looking for a Labtalk-command to remove a data plot from a layer in a graph. I do have a graph layer with several line-plots in it. After addding a further plot for display during i am selcting something for my further calculations in the skript, I later want to remove this last added plot.

I managed to get the information about the number of plots in the layer using:
"layer -c;"
and than try to hide the last plot with:
"layer -hp 1 $(count);"

There are two problems :

1. Origin doesn´t update the assiciated graph-window information for the objects (="Objektverwaltung" in German). So the entrys are getting more and more confused after a while. This is seems to be abug of the new version.

2. I would really appreciate not to get to much plots in the graph and prefer to really delete the information that is not needed from the window and layer and file.

Is there any possibility to delete a known (e.g. by number) plot from the graph window. Of course I don´t want to delete the data from the corresponding worksheet.

Thanks in advance for any helpful comments

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
tschunck Posted - 12/04/2024 : 07:29:36 AM
Thanks for thinking about it and I will search for other possibilities to solve this task.
aplotnikov Posted - 12/03/2024 : 2:05:54 PM
Seems, that you have only two choices: either change your data in appropriate way - e.g., use additional columns to categorize your points, etc., or use OriginC instead of Labtalk. If I wrong I would be surprised, but I cannot except that.
tschunck Posted - 12/03/2024 : 10:49:49 AM
tschunck Posted - 12/03/2024 : 10:34:55 AM
Originally posted by aplotnikov

To remove the n-th plot in the layer:
lay -c;
lay -e %[%Z, #<n>];
lay -ie; //remove the style holder if necessary

Unfortnately this doesn´t work in my case!

The probelm is, that I plotted the same dataset several times (for example 15 datasets) in the same plot. The first dataset holds all my measured data from row1 to end. All other datasets hold just special "points of interest" (rows) form the same dataset and these points are plotted in different size an colour in order to highlite them in the graph window.As consequence %z holds 15 times the same dataset name.

When I perform the layer -e command using the 15th (=count) entry I do delete all plots from the graph instead of deleting the latest highlited selection.

aplotnikov Posted - 12/02/2024 : 3:50:39 PM

To remove the n-th plot in the layer:
lay -c;
lay -e %[%Z, #<n>];
lay -ie; //remove the style holder if necessary

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