Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): Origin 2023 (64-bit) (Government)
Operating System:
Windows 11 23H2
So, I'm writing on a analysis helper in labtalk (for easy distribution and since my Origin version has an issue with numpy).
While I was working on a non-linear fit section, I noticed something strange. When I added the recalculate-option to the nlfit code and excecuted it, I get the message quote:
Unable to establish autoupdate. Recalculate mode is set to NONE.
The fitting and generating of the output sheets works just fine. But I really would like to have the recalculate option enabled for later fine adjustments.
This is my code segment:
range rXData = [%(firstbookName$)]%(normsheetName$)!col(1);
range rYData = [%(firstbookName$)]%(normsheetName$)!col(2);
tree nlt;
nlbegin 2 ExpDec1 tt weight:=1;
nlfit -r 2;
nlend 1;
I'm really not sure why I get this message, as my input data are in their own sheet and not in the output sheets (I use the standard output sheets nlfit generates).
Might it be an issue, that the sheet, which hides in "normsheetNames$" is being generated by another script earlier?
Best regards in advance