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 delete variables

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Flavs Posted - 09/07/2006 : 10:31:56 AM
Origin Version (Select Help-->About Origin): 7.5
Operating System: win xp sp2

I´m having some problems with my scripts due to the problem that all the variables are global. how do I clear all the variables? some of the variables?, Can I define local variables?

By the way I know that the problems are with the variables because if I change the names of the variables, the scripts start working.

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Laurie Posted - 08/19/2010 : 10:19:20 AM
What version do you have? In Origin 8.1:

"delete -v" deletes numeric variables
"delete -vs" deletes string variables but this does not work with %N which is a string register. To clear the contents simply use the following:


OriginLab Technical Support
SvenP Posted - 08/19/2010 : 08:37:59 AM
It is not working for me. Also my script is not working anymore.

del -v %N;
Flavs Posted - 09/10/2006 : 12:17:05 PM
Thanks!! That helps.
Mike Buess Posted - 09/07/2006 : 10:48:09 AM
del -v var1; // delete the variable var1
del -v var*; // delete all variables whose names start in var

Local LabTalk variables are not supported so it's good practice to initialize relevant variables at the start of the script that uses them. Also helps to delete them at the end of the script.

Mike Buess
Origin WebRing Member

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