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 If-else Statement

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
tanosca Posted - 09/27/2006 : 07:26:58 AM
Origin Version (Select Help-->About Origin):
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Labtalk Script

I am new to OriginLab, and I would like some help please on a simple if-else statement.

if Col(A) < 0
Col(B) = 2+2;
Col(B) = 7;

The above statement doesn't work at all. If I include a "For" statement, I get results, but not what I'm expecting. Origin seems to find the first condition of the "IF" (let's say a negative value) and applies that calculation to all elements in the dataset regardless of sign, it completely ignores the else. Can you assist please.

for (i=1; i <=4; i++)

if (Col(A) < 0 )
Col(B)[i] = 2+2;
Col(B)[i] = 7;

Thank you
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
merlin1401 Posted - 11/16/2010 : 09:18:51 AM
I want to integrate the Heaviside-function into my fitting. It is compiled successfully but doesn't do the right thing. Who knows how to fix this problem? The source-code is the following:

#pragma warning(error : 15618)
#include <origin.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>

void _nlsfDeconv_1(

double A, double x0, double y0, double t, double G,

double x,

double& y)
double z;
double temp;

temp = (y0+A*exp(G^2/(16*ln(2)*t^2))*exp(-(x-x0)/t));
if(x-x0<0.0){z==0.0;} else {z==1.0;};
y =z*temp;
tanosca Posted - 10/02/2006 : 2:09:00 PM
Sorry for the delay in sending my thxs.


the test condition should be included in the parentheses:

if (Col(A) < 0)
Col(B) = 2 + 2;

In this case, the left value of the test condition is the first cell value of column A. So the above scripts equals to

if (Col(A)[1] < 0)
Col(B) = 2 + 2;

OriginLab Technical Services
larry_lan Posted - 09/27/2006 : 07:40:25 AM

the test condition should be included in the parentheses:

if (Col(A) < 0)
Col(B) = 2 + 2;

In this case, the left value of the test condition is the first cell value of column A. So the above scripts equals to

if (Col(A)[1] < 0)
Col(B) = 2 + 2;

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