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 Merging graphs and wks

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
kemeyer Posted - 08/03/2009 : 1:54:56 PM
Origin Ver. 7 and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin):
Operating System: XP

I want to merge graphs in my program, but not in the same way the merge graph button does. I wanted to put them all on one layer, like the layer -i command does. However, I came the the problem of how do I let the use select which graphs to merge?

I wanted to just merge the maximized graphs, but I don't know how you can tell whether a graph is maximized or not. Is it possible to get graph/active dataset names from maximized windows? If not, what is another way to let the user choose which graphs to merge so that I can store the names? (Aside from them typing in a name-the names generated are sometimes long and tedius to type).

Also, I was wanting to merge some columns from worksheets together. Data is taken and generated upon different ranges, some of which even overlap. I want to be able to throw them all into a worksheet so that the whole entire range is covered. Is there a good way to do this other than compare values of cells and paste selections? (There might be some positions that are duplicated with different collected data)

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greg Posted - 09/14/2009 : 11:22:54 AM
Note that 'Maximized' is a Global state and not a property of an individual window. I think what you want is to refer only to non-minimized windows. You can start with a loop that covers non-minimized windows:

doc -e O {
ty Window %H is not minimized;

You can restrict the loop to the current Folder/View and within the loop test for graph windows and create nested loops for Layers and Dataplots:
// Loop over all non-minimized windows
doc -ef O
// Check if it's a graph window
// Loop over all layers in the graph window
for(layn = 1 ; layn <= page.nlayers ; layn++)
{ = layn;
// Loop over dataplots in the active layer
doc -e DY
ty Dataplot %C is in layer $( of %H;
else ty %H is not a Graph window;

You can use the wmergexy X-Function to merge XY data columns. The function can be opened by
wmergexy -d;
and you can get scripting help with
wmergexy -h;
You will need to be at the SR5 or SR6 Service Release level to have this function.

Note that many Origin analyses can handle different X ranges automatically so this function may not be needed.

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