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 Question about script.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
SvenP Posted - 09/17/2009 : 06:41:47 AM
Origin Ver. 7.5 and Service Release 6
Operating System: WinXP



at the If-section is an example script. "The next script finds the first point in column A that is greater than 100."
But how is that working. As I understand. Origin is looking in Col(A)[1] if the value is greater than 100. If not ii becomes 2 and the script stops.

I need a script which gives me the point of a column where a specific value is stored.
For example: "data1_data(-2,2,0.01);" Where is for instance -1.95?

I tried with for and if and also with loop an if, but it is not working.

loop (l,1,401)
if (data1_a[l]=-1.95) p=l;

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
greg Posted - 10/12/2009 : 09:51:32 AM
You can use the colnum function in conjunction with the wcol function to get a column index from its name as in:

for(n = 1 ; n <= 10 ; n++)
wcol(colnum(A$(n)))[1] = n;
SvenP Posted - 10/05/2009 : 09:22:06 AM
Thank you for your reply.

Now I have another simple question.
How can I access in a for-loop to columns named e.g. A1...A10.
For example that one is of course not working.

for (n=1;n<=10,n++){

In this example in the first row of column A1 to A10 should be a 1.

greg Posted - 09/17/2009 : 4:14:54 PM
Thank you for pointing out the bad script. Please check again for the updated version.

Note that there is a problem with your script :
if (data1_a[l]=-1.95) p=l;
which should read :
if (data1_a[l]==-1.95) p=l;

Also, to take advantage of the break command to short circuit the loop, you should use :

loop (l,1,401)
if (data1_a[l] == -1.95) break;

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