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 Origin 7.5 vs Origin 8.0 compatibility

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
drreaf Posted - 11/27/2009 : 2:42:57 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release: OriginPro 7.5 SR6 v7.5885 / 8G.0.63.988 SR6
Operating System: MS Windows XP Professional

In OriginPro 7.5 I used the LabTalk commands



to fill multi-line dataset labels for column cln. Often, line1 denotes a quantity and line2 the corresponding unit, which would agree with Origin 8. Most of the time, however, I need three lines whereas in some instances 4 and occasionally 5 lines are required.

So far I have not been able to simulate this OriginPro 8.

Furthermore I repeat a previous question: How can I force the Origin 8 project explorer window to display what in Origin 7 is the worksheet-NAME instead of what in Origin 7 is the worksheet-LABEL and which is displayed in the label column of the Origin 7 project explorer. In my scripts, I ’encode’ into the worksheet names meta-information to visually organize the sometimes several hundred worksheets whereas the worksheet labels are less systematic and more verbose descriptions which also include numerical parameter values. Searching these labels/longnames as displayed in the project explorer of Origin 8 is next to useless for me to identify the worksheet content.

Thanks for any help.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
drreaf Posted - 11/28/2009 : 04:56:32 AM

many thanks for your prompt reply.

At long last the Origin 8 PE is now displaying what I need.

Your hints on multi-line column headers will be implemented next, and I am confident they will work. That will ease dealing with the remaining migration problems which relate to contents instead of outlook only.


p.s.I ordered already upgrades to 8.1 so your reservations will not apply.

Rainer Facius, German Aerospace Center
easwar Posted - 11/27/2009 : 7:59:20 PM

Please refer to the Origin help file to this topic:
to see how old label maps to new properties in Origin 8/8.1

So you can use code such as this in Origin 8.x:

wcol($(cln))[L]$="This is the long name";
wcol($(cln))[U]$="This is units";
"Comments 1st line
Comments 2nd line
Comments 3rd line...";

You can refer to the new LabTalk Scripting Guide for more information. This guide is for 8.1 but most of it is applicable to 8.0

See the topic on accessing meta data:

As for project explorer, right click inside the bottom panel and select "Show Long and Short Names". This will then display the window short name and the window long name (which used to be 1st line of window label). Once you do this, from next session onwards PE will continue showing short and long names.


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