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 Closing Graph Window After Embedding in Cell

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dbaileychess Posted - 12/17/2009 : 12:41:22 PM
OriginPro 8.1 SR0
Windows XP

After using the x-function insertGraph the graph window gets correctly embedded into the cell I want, however, the original graph window stays open. I would like to close that window so it doesn't clutter up my workspace. However, if I try to close that graph window, it also deletes it from the embedded cell I just put it in. Is there a way to remove the "copied" graph file from the workspace and just leave its reference in the embedded cell? Thanks.
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seraulu1 Posted - 02/16/2010 : 03:40:37 AM
Thanks for the suggestion
seraulu1 Posted - 02/16/2010 : 03:32:57 AM
Thanks for the suggestion
minimax Posted - 12/19/2009 : 12:28:58 AM
Yes, It would be fixed in next release, probably Origin 8.1SR2.

OriginLab Technical Support
dbaileychess Posted - 12/18/2009 : 09:43:25 AM
I tried the

sec -p 0.1;

command and it worked, thanks. Thanks for taking the time to look into it for me, and I hope that you find the bug.
minimax Posted - 12/18/2009 : 02:32:03 AM
Hi Derek,

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Would you mind to try if the following workaround works for you?

Add a script
sec -p 0.1;
right before the script
insertGraph gname:=graphname$ embed:=1 resizecell:=1 cell:=r;

sec -p 0.1;
is used to suspend the script for a specified number of seconds. You may need to increase the time to avoid the problem if 0.1 is not enough.

We will fix our code (tracker #14865) so that suspend is not needed.

OriginLab Technical Support
Laurie Posted - 12/17/2009 : 5:21:53 PM
Thank you for sending us your project. We will be emailing you with an answer.

OriginLab Technical Support
dbaileychess Posted - 12/17/2009 : 1:23:09 PM
The status bar showed: embedding:Graph115

When I have the:

win -c %(graphname$)

the cells where I am embedding the graphs get populated and resized, but then when the win -c %(graphname$) is ran, the graph disappears from the cell, but the cell is still resized correctly.

I put in a togglepoint at the win -c command and the graph exists in the cell before that, but then is gone. So to me it seems like the insertGraph function needs to be modified so when embed:=1 it closes the original window.
easwar Posted - 12/17/2009 : 1:17:07 PM

My apologies, you have 8.1 and not 8.0....the latest SR for 8.1 is SR1, so you are up to date.

After you run the code, click on the cell that has the graph showing. What do you see in status bar at bottom left? Does it say "linking:Graph1" or "embedding:Graph1"?

If the page is still around and closing page is deleting graphs, it looks like for some reason it is linking and not embedding for you.

dbaileychess Posted - 12/17/2009 : 1:03:34 PM
OriginPro 8.1 SR1 (Student Version)
Windows XP

I could only get up to SR1 using the update tool.

Here's my code

range r = "Graphs"!$(ii-1)[$(jj):$(jj)];
insertGraph gname:=graphname$ embed:=1 resizecell:=1 cell:=r;

So I am definitely embedding it. I can manually click the X close button on each of the graphs and that does what I want, but I will hundred of graphs to close like that. So I was trying to use this to close them:

win -cd %(graphname$);

which does close the window, but deletes the embedded graph in the cell, so I end up with nothing.
easwar Posted - 12/17/2009 : 12:52:15 PM

Looks like you are not embedding, but instead putting a link to the graph in the cell, which then leaves the graph page as it is, and so when pressing X on that window it deletes the graph?

Try adding embed:=1 to the line where you call the XF.

Also your should patch your installation to latest service release for 8.0, which is SR6.


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