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 accessing colums in multiple sheets

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Sell Posted - 01/30/2010 : 2:17:45 PM
Origin Ver.81 and Service Release SR1 (Select Help-->About Origin):
Operating System:XP

I have a couple of sheets with the same structure and would like to include all columns with the name, let's say ZX into a graph layer. I would like to use the layer.include() function. How can I loop through all the sheets and add from there the dataset in column ZX
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sell Posted - 02/01/2010 : 10:40:34 AM
Thank you both!
I never used the doc -e command. Very powerful! It is the solution for my problem. Completely unexpected. It remains the question on how to loop over a range or string array variable including substitution. But this has time until it goes beyond doc -e ;-)

Hans-Jürgen Sell
easwar Posted - 02/01/2010 : 10:30:07 AM

As you are looking for a column with a specific shortname, you can use the colnum() function to check if index is non-zero to see if the column exists, such as with code below. Then you can get dataset to add to your graph, or use the plotxy x-function to plot to graph using range defined from the column etc.

// Loop over all sheets
doc -e LB {
	// Type out window name and sheet name 
	type "Book: %h, sheet: %($)";
	// Check for column with specific short name
	int ii = colnum(ZX);
	if(ii != 0)
		type "   Column exists, index = $(ii)";

Sell Posted - 02/01/2010 : 03:52:09 AM
This fits not the need. The solution might be in a range or string array variable. But the question is how to loop through such variables. There is a nice example in the labtalk help:
range rs = [Book1]4:end!
But I could not found neither how to loop through this variable nor what is really stored in it.
larry_lan Posted - 01/31/2010 : 10:52:22 PM

How about the doc -e command? For example:
doc -e l
	ty The active layer is in %H, layer $(;


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