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 Accessing single line in textfile

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Belsinga Posted - 08/30/2010 : 03:05:22 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 8SR6
Operating System: Win XP


I import text files into origin using LabTalk and it works perfectly. I only need to know how I can access a single line in a text file. My experiment puts a numeric value in the text file underneath the columns with data. How can I make LabTalk to get this value and store it into a variable?

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Penn Posted - 08/31/2010 : 02:25:31 AM
Hi Boudewijn,

Maybe you need to make a filter with extracting variable to import your files. To do that, you can use the Import Wizard. Please refer to the following tutorials: Importing Data, Import Filter, Import Wizard. About variable extraction, please refer to this page. About creating filter, this page can help.

After creating the filter for your importing requirement, you can then use the impFile X-Function to import your file with the filter. Then the X-Function impinfo can help you to get the variables that have been extracted. Also, you can use to get the variables.


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