T O P I C R E V I E W |
jstst |
Posted - 09/16/2010 : 04:57:28 AM Origin Ver.8 and Service Release 2(Select Help-->About Origin): Operating System:Win XP hi i made a skript to import multible txt-files in one workbook in seperate sheets. Then it starts a loop wihich changes the colums a bit and then makes a graph for each sheet. The problem is when I start the loop, after the first loop the graph is activated and not the workbook anymore. So the loop cannot continue. What can I do?? here the skript in short:
string fns, path$="c:\...\"; findfiles f:=fns$ e:="name_*"; int n = fns.GetNumTokens(CRLF); string bkName$; newbook loopdata s:=0 result:=bkName$; impasc fname:=fns$ options.ImpMode:=4 options.Names.FNameToBk:=1 options.Names.FNameToSht:=1 options.Names.FNameToBkComm:=1 options.Names.FNameToColComm:=1 options.Names.FPathToComm:=0 orng:=[bkName$]A1!A[1]:C[0] ; doc -e LW { normalize iy:=Col(2) method:=max; plotxy iy:=(1,3) plot:=200; };
2 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
jstst |
Posted - 09/17/2010 : 03:18:07 AM thanks works perfectly!! |
DataConv |
Posted - 09/17/2010 : 01:59:29 AM Hi jstst,
What i do in that case is following: At the beginning of the script i insert something likeaa$ = page.name$; Before the critial sections i simply insert awin -a %(aa$); This refocuses back to your (entry) worksheet... |