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 FitLR Problem

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WalterC Posted - 09/21/2010 : 04:33:00 AM

I alway get an #Command error when trying to use the FITLR command within Labtalk.

The code in question is attached to this post. It should fit the colums line by line to the rot values given in the code. Everything except the "fitlr" command works fine. Even if I put "fitLR iy:=(10,11)" into the command window it gives the #command error.

Did i do anything wrong at this command? I do not understand why it does not work because I used the exact spelling given in the origin help.

rot = {3000,2500,1500,900,400,200};
range rSheet = 1!; 
rSheet.col10.type = 4;
range aa = rSheet.Col(2), bb = rSheet.Col(3), cc = rSheet.Col(4), dd = rSheet.Col(5), ee = rSheet.Col(6), ff = rSheet.Col(7);

range kotlev = rSheet.Col(kotlev), stdDev = rSheet.Col(stdDev), sqrtrot = rSheet.Col(sqrtrot), worstfit = rSheet.Col(worstfit);

loop(ii, 1, aa.GetSize()){
	sqrtrot =  sqrt(rot);
	loop(jj, 2, 7){
		temp = wcol(jj);
		worstfit[jj-1] = temp[ii];
	range fit = (10,11);
	fitlr i := fit a := kotlev[ii];
	//kotlev[ii] = fitlr.a;
	//cell(4,ii) = fit[1];
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Penn Posted - 09/21/2010 : 05:56:50 AM

The firlr X-Function is available since Origin 8 SR1, you are using Origin 8 SR0, so it did not work in your version. Please update to Origin 8 SR6 by following the instruction in this page.

When using Origin 8 SR6, the column range need to be defined as following, need the %() substitution, but not the way with a point between range and column (like rSheet.Col(2)).

range %(rsheet) aa = Col(2), bb = Col(3), cc = Col(4), dd = Col(5), ee = Col(6), ff = Col(7);
// or this way
range kotlev = %(rsheet)Col(kotlev), stdDev = %(rsheet)Col(stdDev), sqrtrot = %(rsheet)Col(sqrtrot), worstfit = %(rsheet)Col(worstfit);

WalterC Posted - 09/21/2010 : 04:51:33 AM
since editing doesn´t work, I have to add a new reply with the details I forgot in the previous post:

Origin Version: OriginPro 8 SR0 v8.0724
Windows XP

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