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 nlsf and many variables - truncated lines in .fdf

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
normanja Posted - 10/06/2010 : 1:14:00 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release 8.1SR3
Operating System: WinXP SP3

Hi out there!

I am extensively using the nlsf object, controlled from labtalk scripts, in Origin 8.1. Now I have created a function with more than 80 parameters (most of them will be fixted most of the time).

The problem is now that the lines in the .fdf file are truncated at some length, so that the parameter names (if too long), the initial values, the upper and lower boundaries of the last five to twenty variables are not saved or read. You can set the values by hand within the nlsf dialog box, but you cannot save them to or read from the .fdf file.

Is there a workaround for that?

In other words: How can I set all the boundaries (upper, lower and signs) for all the variables from within a labtalk script, how do I address them? I know how to do this for parameter values, but not boundaries. If I knew, then I could handle all the settings of initial parameters and boundaries by a labtalk script.

Any help?

Best regards, Norman.

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