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 change dimension units of created gobject

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
asenv Posted - 10/12/2010 : 06:07:08 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 8.1G SR3
Operating System: windows 2000 pro

Yet another question. I would like to know how can I change the units of already created gobject (graphical object)? I got experimetally that if I first set the units of the active layer then create the gobject it is created with the right dimension units like mm for example:

win -a Graph1;
Graph1! = 3;
layer -u 4;
draw -n myRect -b;

The problem is that I am inserting a *.bmp graphic as gobject and this trick does not somehow work for it. It is created with pixels as dimension and in that way I can not place it relative to the axes (which are in mm at the moment).


2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
asenv Posted - 10/12/2010 : 11:53:21 AM
OK I found workaround myself, but it will be still good to know how is done that what I am asking.
The workaroung is that I set the layer in pixels
layer -u 5;
and then I set the dimensions and posiotion of my gobject. At the end I have to set the layer in mm back again.
asenv Posted - 10/12/2010 : 09:34:15 AM
Actually even the first method does not work. I got confused, because I have set manually the dimensions to mm, then restarted my script without restarting origin and then is the graphical object "myRect" in mm created.

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