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 filename as workbook name

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
alkamid Posted - 10/13/2010 : 01:59:36 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release: OriginPro 8 SR3
Operating System: Ubuntu 9.04 (wine)


I'm using filenames to name my workbooks but it doesn't work properly with some filenames. This is the part of my code that deals with it:
filename$ = path.GetFileName(1)$;
newbook name:= filename$ option:=lsname;
plotxy iy:=[filename$]!(1,5) plot:=200;

It works fine with filenames that consist only of letters but it wouldn't work with "2162z.dat". I get an error:
Failed to resolve range string, VarName = iy, VarValue = [filename$]!(1,5)

How to force my filename$ to be a string?
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
larry_lan Posted - 10/13/2010 : 05:22:45 AM
Book name cannot start with number. Or, Origin will automatically add a letter. So, the iy in plotxy X-Function cannot access to the correct workbook. You can:

1. Change your file name.

2. Try:

filename$ = "2162z.dat";
string strbkn$;
newbook name:= filename$ option:=lsname result:=strbkn$;
plotxy iy:=[strbkn$]!(1,5) plot:=200;


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