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 Script to detect changes in the value

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Bolu123 Posted - 12/02/2010 : 5:48:39 PM
Could you please provide me a sample script:
- Detects increasing values in one column and copies the data (all rows) into a new worksheet
- Then the decline, and again the script detects this event and he just copies the data into a new worksheet
- Then again detects the change - the values are rising again - the script detects and stores the data in a new work sheet
- And so on
- Script ends up as run out of data
- It is important to point MAX and / or MIN naeżały to anyone on the worksheet, eg:
- Worksheet1: contains values for some columns: 1 5 6 10 (value rise)
- Worksheet2: contains values from the same column: 10 8 7 4 2 (decreasing value) - those with a value of 10 are duplicated
- Worksheet3: contains values from the same column: 2 5 8 9 12 (value rise) - those with a value of 2 are duplicated, etc.

Thus, your script to work like the "Extract Worksheet Data" with the code written by myself: a) for increasing values: (((col (TC) [i]> = 148) & & (col (TC) [i] <= 800 )) & & col (TC) [i] <= col (TC) [i +1 ])||((( col (TC) [i]> = 148) & & (col (TC) [i] <= 800) ) & & col (TC) [i-1] <= col (TC) [i])
b) for diluting the value: (((col (TC) [i]> = 148) & & (col (TC) [i] <= 800)) & & col (TC) [i]> = col (TC) [i + 1 ])||((( col (TC) [i]> = 148) & & (col (TC) [i] <= 800)) & & col (TC) [i-1]> = col (TC) [i ])

Someone help me? I'll be very grateful.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
greg Posted - 12/14/2010 : 10:46:44 AM
Here is how to put your formula into the wxt X-Function version of the Worksheet Extract dialog:

string str$ = [%H]$(;

wxt iw:=wks$ test:="(((col(TC)[i] >= 148)&&(col(TC)[i] <= 800 ))&&col(TC)[i] <= col(TC)[i+1])||(((col(TC)[i] >= 148)&&(col(TC)[i] <= 800))&&col(TC)[i-1] <= col(TC)[i])" ow:=<new name:=Increase>;

wxt iw:=wks$ test:="(((col(TC)[i]>=148)&&(col(TC)[i]<=800))&&col(TC)[i]>=col(TC)[i+1])||(((col(TC)[i]>=148)&&(col(TC)[i]<=800))&&col(TC)[i-1]>=col(TC)[i])" ow:=<new name:=Decrease>;
larry_lan Posted - 12/06/2010 : 10:00:36 PM
Maybe you can request a Consulting Services.


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