T O P I C R E V I E W |
joonhee93 |
Posted - 12/16/2010 : 06:44:55 AM Origin Ver.8 and Service Release 6(Select Help-->About Origin): Operating System: Windows Vista
I am using WKSSTAT.ogs script for the multiple regression. I am wondering if there is a way to set a range for the stat.mr.bi (ith fitting parameter). I could not find any method for it. I want to confine the b parameter to be positive, but sometimes the regression gives me negative values.
1 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
larry_lan |
Posted - 12/17/2010 : 09:56:20 AM Hi:
Linear models like Simple Linear Fitting, Polynomial Fitting and Multiple Linear Regression have analytical solutions, so we don't have bounds control in these functions.
If you want to control these fitting parameters, you can define a multiple independent variable fitting function and do that in NLFit dialog (Nonlinear Curve Fitting).
However, since you are writing scripts, the nlbegin X-Function doesn't work for multiple independent variable functions. In Origin 8.5, we introduced a new X-Function, nlbeginr, to handle this case.
I suggest you upgrade your Origin to 8.5, and try the example in the nlbeginr X-Function.
Thanks Larry OriginLab |