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bafaneh Posted - 07/25/2011 : 4:31:39 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 8.5
Operating System: xp


Why are the characters '<', '(', '{' (the last one is shift+[ ) so difficult to distinguish from each other in Origin?

Is the only way to avoid this to create code in a text editor like Notepad and paste it into Origin?

Also, wouldn't it be more logical to change the GetSize command in the following code to GetSize(aa)? My reasoning is that since getsize is attached to aa with a 'period', it doesn't need the ')'. But if it is built to use '()' then it should at least have the array/integer inside the parentheses.

// Declare integer 'nSize',
// and assign to it the length of the new array:
int nSize = aa.GetSize();

It just doesn't make sense for a person who hasn't already accustomed himself to the language/syntax used in coding.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
bafaneh Posted - 07/27/2011 : 5:25:27 PM
Thank you very much, fontnumber=2 has a clear difference between the characters.

minimax Posted - 07/27/2011 : 01:26:38 AM

Why are the characters '<', '(', '{' (the last one is shift+[ ) so difficult to distinguish from each other in Origin?

Is the only way to avoid this to create code in a text editor like Notepad and paste it into Origin?

I suppose you are talking about "Script Window".
If so, in file Origin.ini (in your User Files Folder), there is a section [Font].
You can change the FontNumber=0 to another value.

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