T O P I C R E V I E W |
ivanovskikh |
Posted - 07/28/2011 : 6:59:45 PM Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): Pro 8.5.1 Operating System: Win XP SP3
I have a strange problem. The Code Builder does not execute a very easy LT script at all. No reports about errors or anything wrong... just doing nothing!.. However, it works properly when I run it from the Script Window. Any other LT scripts run well from the Code Builder. Could anyone suggest what the problemis is? The script is below.
%A = %(page.comments$); wcopy 1! 2!; wks.name$ = "Normalized"; //normalizing data in sheet "Normalized" rnormalize -r 2 irng:=1!Col(4) method:=max orng:="Normalized"!Col(4); rnormalize -r 2 irng:=1!Col(5) method:=max orng:="Normalized"!Col(5); rnormalize -r 2 irng:=1!Col(6) method:=max orng:="Normalized"!Col(6); //plotting the normalized curves plotxy iy:="Normalized"!(1,4:6) plot:=200 ogl:=[<new template:="DESY EMIS NM_CM-1" name:=Graph>]; string GraphName$ = %H; layer.y.from = 0.00; layer.y.to = 1.05; //making label page.active = 1; label -j 2 -s -sa -n stamp "\b(n)\nT= K\n%A"; stamp.fsize = 14; stamp.font=font(Times New Roman); stamp.y = layer.y.to - stamp.dy / 1.5; stamp.x = layer.x.to - stamp.dx / 1.5; //legend legendupdate mode:=custom custom:=@LL; Legend.fsize = 12; Legend.font = font(Times New Roman); Legend.y = layer.y.to - legend.dy / 1.8; Legend.x = layer.x.from + legend.dx / 1.8;
The script takes data from 3 last columns, normalizes them, put into new worksheet and plot graph.
The Origin and Code Builders are attached.
4 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
ivanovskikh |
Posted - 08/04/2011 : 5:47:43 PM All the symbols seem to be good ones (ASCII)... I copied the script to Notepad and it doesn't show any strange characters. Anyway, the script works fine when run from the Script Window!...
Konstantin |
cpyang |
Posted - 08/04/2011 : 10:03:11 AM So it looks like your script has a character not being ASCII, you can try pasting that to notepad, or the script window, copy it and paste back to code builder command window.
ivanovskikh |
Posted - 08/02/2011 : 02:08:59 AM Hi,
Thanks for the comment!
"type -b hello;" works fine as well as any other scripts. The problem only with the script I showed above. I switched ECHO =1. It returns some strange message to the script window. It appears as "r=?w". In fact the first simbol is not "r". It just looks like "r". When I copy the error message to the forum post it appers as "Ú=?w".
Again the script works fine when I put into the script window.
So, I cannot understand what is going on...
cpyang |
Posted - 07/30/2011 : 09:14:39 AM First, try something simpler, like
type -b hello;
then, turn on error reporting by setting
and then the line with the error will show.