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 OriginC Code running time

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shafei Posted - 02/03/2012 : 03:05:25 AM
I am running a code in Origin C and I would like to know how much time it takes to finish.
Is there a command that automatically records the start and the end of the running process? Or one that tells you how much the whole process takes?
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
shafei Posted - 02/07/2012 : 9:09:55 PM
I moved the difftime command and it resolved the problem.
thank you for your efficient help!
Penn Posted - 02/07/2012 : 9:08:54 PM

Maybe you have tried to attach a dataset to a column, and the column may not exist, or something like that. If your code is not big, you can paste it here and then I can have a try. Better to tell how to run your code and the line where error happens.

shafei Posted - 02/07/2012 : 12:48:52 PM
I tried difftime for another code. It worked well. there must be some inconsistencies in my original code. Any idea what "dataset not attached" implies?
shafei Posted - 02/07/2012 : 12:27:16 PM
I do not get such message until I used timediff. the code is running well, and I get the results. However, no time difference is shown!
Penn Posted - 02/07/2012 : 03:43:37 AM

From the error message, it seems not related to the example itself, but the code you wrote. Maybe you have tried to access a dataset that does not exist in your code. So, you can debug your code to see what the problem is.

shafei Posted - 02/07/2012 : 01:19:49 AM
The version I use is 8.1. I was expecting ti time_t show in blue but it is in black for me too!
The error is "....\BETAQUANTUMLOOP.CPP(12) :Origin C Function Runtime Error, Dataset cannot attach".
Penn Posted - 02/06/2012 : 10:07:41 PM

Which version of Origin you are using? I have tried this example in Origin 8.6, it works fine. And the time_t shows in black color, but not the blue color you mentioned. You said you got error message, could you please provide the error message you get?

shafei Posted - 02/06/2012 : 6:43:38 PM
Hi Penn,
I tried to use the code you provided.
Surprisingly, it does not work!
First of all, time_t should appear in blue color in my Origin C code, which it does not. Second, the compilation generates no problem and my code works well. however, at the end of the process, I get the error message in windows script. No time is shown on screen.
Can you please help to figure this problem out?
shafei Posted - 02/03/2012 : 11:58:04 AM
Thank you very much Penn!
Penn Posted - 02/03/2012 : 04:29:31 AM

Please try the difftime function.


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