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 Fitting equation combining summation & integrale

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Tux_Addict Posted - 03/02/2012 : 06:38:05 AM
Origin Ver.: OriginPro 8.6.0
Operating System: W7 64bits

Hi everyone,

I am trying to fit experimental data with the equation in attachment.
This equation combines an integrale and a sum.
The data represents W as a function of time (t).
I have already read the tutorials and the forum about fitting with integrale and, even if I have found plenty of interesing things, I still do not manage to proceed..
I tried to solve this equation by using a user-define function as in the tutorial. To do, I am using the code FittingWithSummation (still from the tuto).
The compilation works fine and no mistake are found but when I try to simulate, then Origin doesn't respond anymore. I have to kill him..
I am pretty sur that the matter comes from my code but I am a newbie in programming and I cannot find the solution by myself.

So if someone could help me, I would be really happy!

Thanks a lot for your help in advance!

#include <origin.h>
// Subroutine for integrand
double f(double x, double D, double e, double n, double m, double t)
	return exp((-0.5*(x-m)*(x-m)/e/e)-(PI*PI*n*n*D*t/x/x));
void _nlsfuptake_fit(
// Fit Parameter(s):
double D, double e, double m, double tstep, double tmax, double w,
// Independent Variable(s):
double x,
// Dependent Variable(s):
double& y)
	// Beginning of editable part
		int n=1;	// variables initialization
		int t=0;
	do // loop over t	
			do // loop over n
			// Set the tolerance for stop integration.
			double dPrecision = 1e-12;
			// Initialization
			double dIntegral = 0.0;
			double dTrapezia = 0.0;			
			// Steps, or Precision.
			double dStep = 0.1e-6;
			// Perform integrate by trapezoidal rule.
			// Note that you should guarantee that the function is CONVERGENT.
						// Trapezia area.
					dTrapezia = 0.5 * ( f(x, m, e, n, D, t) + f((x+dStep), m, e, n, D, t) ) * dStep;
					// Accumulate area.
					dIntegral += dTrapezia;		// intregral calculation.
					x += dStep;
	//					}while( (dTrapezia/dIntegral) > dPrecision );
			y += 1/(n*n)*dIntegral;		// sommation over n.
			}while (n<11);
	w = 6/(e*PI*PI*sqrt(PI*2))*y;		// uptake calculation.
	}while (t<tmax);
	// End of editable part
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Tux_Addict Posted - 03/05/2012 : 03:24:16 AM
ok,so here is my new try...
Origin doesn't freeze anymore but it still doesn't work!
So if someone could help...

#include <origin.h>

// Add your special include files here.
// For example, if you want to fit with functions from the NAG library, 
// add the header file for the NAG functions here.

// Subroutine for integrand
double f(double x, double D, double e, double n, double m, double t)

	return exp((-0.5*(x-m)*(x-m)/e/e)-(PI*PI*n*n*D*t/x/x));

void _nlsfuptake_fit_3(
// Fit Parameter(s):
double D, double e, double m, double tstep, double tmax, double x,
// Independent Variable(s):
double t,
// Dependent Variable(s):
double& w)
	// Beginning of editable part
		int n=1;	// variables initialization
		// Set the tolerance for stop integration.
		double y=0;
		double dPrecision = 1e-12;
		// Initialization
		double dIntegral = 0.0;
		double dTrapezia = 0.0;			
		// Steps, or Precision.
		double dStep = 0.1e-6;
		// Perform integrate by trapezoidal rule.
		// Note that you should guarantee that the function is CONVERGENT.
	do // loop over t	
			do // loop over n
						// Trapezia area.
					dTrapezia = 0.5 * ( f(x, m, e, n, D, t) + f((x+dStep), m, e, n, D, t) ) * dStep;
					// Accumulate area.
					dIntegral += dTrapezia;		// intregral calculation.
					x += dStep;
	//					}while( (dTrapezia/dIntegral) > dPrecision );
			y += 1/(n*n)*dIntegral;		// sommation over n.
			}while (n<11);
	}while (t<tmax);
	w = 6/(e*PI*PI*sqrt(PI*2))*y;		// uptake calculation.
	// End of editable part
Tux_Addict Posted - 03/02/2012 : 06:59:52 AM

I forgot to say that "D" is the variable to fit.
"e" and "m" are constants and there values are know.
So I want to fit W=f(t) by adjusting "D".
"x" varies from 0 to infinite and "n" from 1 to infinite (but 10 is fine!).

Thanks for you help!

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