T O P I C R E V I E W |
shafei |
Posted - 04/03/2012 : 04:41:17 AM Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 8.6 and 8.1 Operating System:7 Hi, 1. I was working on a code for a couple of hours. After running it, OriginPro 8.6 stopped working. When restarting the program, all I had done in the code disappeared, while the changes I had made in other codes remain intact. I had never such experience before with previous versions of Origin. 2. I use "difftime" in my code. While Origin 8.6 returns a weird number, the same command in the code, with absolutely no changes in the code, returns the correct elapsed time. For these reasons and some others, it sounds to me that 8.6 is not a stable version! |
3 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
easwar |
Posted - 04/05/2012 : 11:27:27 AM Hi shafei,
Thank you for posting the code. This is indeed a bug that affects only 32-bit Origin. The 64-bit version works correctly.
We are looking into fixing this for an upcoming service release for 86
Easwar OriginLab |
shafei |
Posted - 04/03/2012 : 8:20:44 PM This is the code:
#include <Origin.h> #include "MYLibrary.h"
double BetaXXXLoop(int N, int segment) {
/*******************************APPROACH 1************************************** * Description: The coordinates are chosen, beta is calulated, then three points of * rectangular are rotated and beta is measured again. The rotation goes from 0 * to 360/ At the end, the maximum value is stored. ********************************************************************************/ time_t start, finish; double elapsed_time; time( &start );
int run = 1;// number of iterations
int i,j,k;
int theta, dtheta=15;//theta is angle and dtheta in theta increment.
vector<double> x(segment);// coordinates of initial point of the first segment is vector<double> y(segment);// x[0] and y[0]. The last componnets are // x[segment-1] & y[segment-1] vector<double> xaux(segment);//stores initial coordinates of the triangle vector<double> yaux(segment);//to be used in rotations
vector<double> xmax(segment);// to store max values related to max beta vector<double> ymax(segment);
vector<double> x0max(run); vector<double> y0max(run); vector<double> x1max(run);// to store coordinates having the vector<double> y1max(run);// largest beta in each run and send it to output vector<double> x2max(run); vector<double> y2max(run); /*vector<double> x3max(run); vector<double> y3max(run); vector<double> x4max(run); vector<double> y4max(run); vector<double> x5max(run); vector<double> y5max(run); vector<double> x6max(run); vector<double> y6max(run); vector<double> x7max(run); vector<double> y7max(run); vector<double> x8max(run); vector<double> y8max(run); vector<double> x9max(run); vector<double> y9max(run);*/
vector E(2*N+1); //energy eigenvalues
matrix<complex> Xmoment(2*N+1,2*N+1); // initialize X position matrix
vector<double> beta;//stores all maximum beta values for each iteration beta.SetSize(run);
double BetaGraph; // used to extraxt the real part of BetaInt complex BetaInt; // calculates the beta_intrinsic double BetaFinal;// the final beta value sent to output in each run
//********************STARTING THE CODE**************************** for(k=0; k < run; k++) { //*****Picking up the initial coordinates of triangle randomly***** /* x[0] = 0.0; y[0] = 0.0; xaux[0]=x[0]; yaux[0]=y[0]; for(i=1; i<segment; i++) { x[i] = rnd()*10; y[i] = rnd()*10; xaux[i] = x[i];//storing initial segment coordinates in xaux & yaux yaux[i] = y[i]; //printf("x[i] = %f\n", x[i]); } */ x[0] = -32.0; y[0] = -21.0; xaux[0] = x[0]; yaux[0] = y[0]; x[1] = -49; y[1] = -42; xaux[1] = x[1]; yaux[1] = y[1]; x[2] = -69.0; y[2] = -88.0; xaux[2] = x[2]; yaux[2] = y[2]; //*********************** Calculating R and Energies *******************
double R = 0.0; for(i = 0; i < segment-1; i++) // calculating the loop length { R = R + sqrt((x[i+1]-x[i])^2 + (y[i+1]-y[i])^2); } R = R + sqrt((x[0]-x[segment-1])^2 + (y[0]-y[segment-1])^2); // adding the length of the last segment for(i = 0; i< 2*N+1; i++) //loop extends over 2N+1 state, N is # of excited states { // E[i] = EnergyLoop(i-N, R); E[i] = (i-N)^2;//using intrinsic values } //******** Calculating Beta Values for different triangle rotations******
BetaFinal = 0.0; for(theta = 0; theta < 10; theta=theta+dtheta) { BetaInt = (0.0, 0.0); BetaGraph = 0.0;
for(i=0; i < segment; i++) { x[i] = cos(theta * pi/180) * xaux[i] - sin(theta * pi/180)*yaux[i]; y[i] = sin(theta * pi/180) * xaux[i] + cos(theta * pi/180)*yaux[i]; } //for the case of labelling states, since in C++ arrays do no accept //negative numbers, we shift -N to N states to 0 to 2N+1 so that for //example ground state's label in new system is N'th state. When //calculating different quantities like energies, every state is //converted such that i -> (i - N). for(i = 0; i< 2*N+1; i++) //loop extends over 2N+1 state, N is # of excited states { for(j = 0; j< 2*N+1; j++) { Xmoment[i][j] = XnmWireLoop(x, y, i-N, j-N, R); // N represents ground state } }
complex x00 = Xmoment[N][N]; for(i = 0; i < 2*N+1; i++) // Diagonal moments need ground state moment to be subtracted in // order to calculate ReBetaSOS { Xmoment[i][i] = Xmoment[i][i] - x00; } for(i = 0; i< 2*N+1; i++) { for(j = 0; j< 2*N+1; j++) { if (i != N && j != N) { BetaInt = BetaInt + (0.75)^(0.75) * ((2*pi/R)^3) * Xmoment[N][i] * Xmoment[i][j] * Xmoment[j][N] /E[i]/E[j]; } } } BetaGraph = BetaInt.m_re;
if(abs(BetaFinal) < abs(BetaGraph)) { BetaFinal = BetaGraph; for(i=0; i < segment; i++) { xmax[i] = x[i]; ymax[i] = y[i]; } } }//end of for theta=0;.... x0max[k] = xmax[0]; y0max[k] = ymax[0]; x1max[k] = xmax[1]; y1max[k] = ymax[1]; x2max[k] = xmax[2]; y2max[k] = ymax[2]; /* x3max[k] = xmax[3]; y3max[k] = ymax[3]; x4max[k] = xmax[4]; y4max[k] = ymax[4]; x5max[k] = xmax[5]; y5max[k] = ymax[5]; x6max[k] = xmax[6]; y6max[k] = ymax[6]; x7max[k] = xmax[7]; y7max[k] = ymax[7]; x8max[k] = xmax; y8max[k] = ymax; x9max[k] = xmax[9]; y9max[k] = ymax[9];*/
beta[k] = BetaFinal;
}//end of for k=1,... //*********************now we store beta values in a column*********************
//Get the first workbook's first worksheet's active layer //Worksheet wks = Project.ActiveLayer(); Worksheet wks; wks.Create("Origin");
int nNumRows = run; int nNumCols = 2*segment + 1;// since each segment has a pair of (x,y). // +1 is for a column for beta values wks.SetSize(nNumRows, nNumCols); Column col0 = wks.Columns(0); //get the first column of the worksheet vectorbase& v0 = col0.GetDataObject(); //get the reference of a column v0 = beta; //set customer data,operation on vb will take effect instantly //on column, or you can change elements of vb directly Column col1 = wks.Columns(1); vectorbase& v1 = col1.GetDataObject(); v1 = x0max; Column col2 = wks.Columns(2); vectorbase& v2 = col2.GetDataObject(); v2 = y0max; Column col3 = wks.Columns(3); vectorbase& v3 = col3.GetDataObject(); v3 = x1max; Column col4 = wks.Columns(4); vectorbase& v4 = col4.GetDataObject(); v4 = y1max; Column col5 = wks.Columns(5); vectorbase& v5 = col5.GetDataObject(); v5 = x2max; Column col6 = wks.Columns(6); vectorbase& v6 = col6.GetDataObject(); v6 = y2max; /* Column col7 = wks.Columns(7); vectorbase& v7 = col7.GetDataObject(); v7 = x3max; Column col8 = wks.Columns(8); vectorbase& v8 = col8.GetDataObject(); v8 = y3max; Column col9 = wks.Columns(9); vectorbase& v9 = col9.GetDataObject(); v9 = x4max; Column col10 = wks.Columns(10); vectorbase& v10 = col10.GetDataObject(); v10 = y4max; Column col11 = wks.Columns(11); vectorbase& v11 = col11.GetDataObject(); v11 = x5max; Column col12 = wks.Columns(12); vectorbase& v12 = col12.GetDataObject(); v12 = y5max; Column col13 = wks.Columns(13); vectorbase& v13 = col13.GetDataObject(); v13 = x6max; Column col14 = wks.Columns(14); vectorbase& v14 = col14.GetDataObject(); v14 = y6max; Column col15 = wks.Columns(15); vectorbase& v15 = col15.GetDataObject(); v15 = x7max; Column col16 = wks.Columns(16); vectorbase& v16 = col16.GetDataObject(); v16 = y7max; Column col17 = wks.Columns(17); vectorbase& v17 = col17.GetDataObject(); v17 = x8max; Column col18 = wks.Columns(18); vectorbase& v18 = col18.GetDataObject(); v18 = y8max; Column col19 = wks.Columns(19); vectorbase& v19 = col19.GetDataObject(); v19 = x9max; Column col20 = wks.Columns(20); vectorbase& v20 = col18.GetDataObject(); v20 = y9max; */
Column col7 = wks.Columns(7); vectorbase& v7 = col7.GetDataObject(); v7 = x3max; Column col8 = wks.Columns(8); vectorbase& v8 = col8.GetDataObject(); v8 = y3max;
/************END OF RECTANGLE CODE************/ time( &finish ); elapsed_time = difftime( finish, start ); printf( "\nProgram takes %4.0f hours.\n", elapsed_time/3600 ); // /3600 convert seconds to hour return BetaFinal;
easwar |
Posted - 04/03/2012 : 12:34:29 PM Hi shafei,
Regarding 2, can you please send your code to tech support? Or if short, paste here?
I tried our example from this page: http://ocwiki.originlab.com/index.php?title=OriginC:Difftime_%28global_function%29 and it worked the same in 8.51 and 86.
Easwar OriginLab |