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 GETN Branch

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couturier Posted - 01/05/2015 : 1:30:49 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 2015
Operating System: win7 64bit

It is possible to add button, checkbox or combo box to a Getn branch.
Is it possible to add a string or numeric edit box to a getn branch ?

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
maryjames Posted - 02/04/2015 : 07:21:31 AM
Thank you (eparent) for sharing your suggestion.
BettyMark Posted - 01/30/2015 : 06:30:48 AM
Thanks all for your contribution in this forum.
eparent Posted - 01/07/2015 : 10:58:41 AM
Sorry for misreading your question. There is currently no way to put a string nor numeric edit box onto a branch node. I was hoping it would be possible to make a new macro but there would still be internal code changes needed.

Originally posted by couturier

Thanks for your answer but this wasn't the question:

I know about GETN_BUTTON_BRANCH, GETN_CHECKBOX_BRANCH and GETN_COMBO_BRANCH but I was wondering if it was possible to have a string or numeric edit box on the same line that branch

couturier Posted - 01/05/2015 : 4:42:24 PM
Thanks for your answer but this wasn't the question:

I know about GETN_BUTTON_BRANCH, GETN_CHECKBOX_BRANCH and GETN_COMBO_BRANCH but I was wondering if it was possible to have a string or numeric edit box on the same line that branch
eparent Posted - 01/05/2015 : 2:39:27 PM
Is the following example what you are trying to do?

#include <GetNbox.h>
void GETN_BRANCH_Example()

	GETN_CHECK(CheckBox1, "Check Box One", 0)
		GETN_OPTION_BRANCH(GETNBRANCH_OPEN) //open the branch, on showing
		GETN_CHECK(CheckBox2, "Check Box Two", 0)
		GETN_COMBO(ComboBox1, "Combo Box One", 1, "|0|1|2")
		GETN_NUM(NumEditBox, "Numeric Edit Box One", 12.3)
		GETN_STR(StrEditBox, "String Edit Box One", "This is a test")
		GETN_BUTTON(FilePathButton, "File Path Button", GetAppPath())
	GETN_NUM(NumEditBox2, "Another Numeric Edit Box", 20)

	if(GetNBox(testTree, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL))

All the GETN macros are documented at

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