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 Splitting given Input-Data

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
P.G. Posted - 03/03/2015 : 07:33:08 AM
Origin Ver. 9.1 Pro and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin):
Operating System: Win 7

Hello everybody,

I have a large Set of nonmonotonic Data and want to split it into several monotonic Worksheets to continue working on it.

The Set looks like this:
A | B | C | D | E
-0.8 |x|x| 1|x
0.8 |x|x| 1|x
0.7 |x|x| 1|x
-0.8 |x|x| 1|x
-0.8 |x|x| 2|x
0.8 |x|x| 2|x
0.7 |x|x| 2|x
-0.8 |x|x| 2|x

And so on.
The x's are not necessary for the splitting

Now, what i wanted to do was to split the table for the same values in D (creating a new worksheet for each Row-Set with the same value in D) and after that for the monotonical parts of A (creating two seperate Worksheets for each worksheet created in the step before).
The Rest of the Data does not matter.

I already fail at the part where I try to split the Set for the values in D.

I am a new to Origin and the last time i wrote some C#-Codes was about 4 years ago.

Thank you for helping me.

Edit: Pressed post before the Post was finished

Edit Edit: A LabTalk Script would work too is that is easier to code.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Shirley_GZ Posted - 03/05/2015 : 12:28:43 AM

You can use the import ASCII tool or import wizard to import your data, please refer to these two tutorials:


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