To run a function written by LabTalk, you have to firstly save an OGS file under User File Folder. Then as shown in the figure below:
Then you can run the function by:
run.section(Test1, Test, 5)
Originally posted by Bigprophete
I have a little question...I have created a program (see the next of the message) which works very well. But after to open origin, I don't want to copy/past my line program and compile it before to use my function...I just want to call my function vsm and put my value in ().
I am searching a line code like run.section (name data file)... but when I do it with my file function, it doesn't work...
Any idea ?
function vsm (double Slope) {
doc -ef W {
wks.col1.name$ = Field ; // rename column as Field
wks.col2.name$ = Data ; // rename column as Data
wks.addcol(mcorr); // add a column for mcorr, named mcorr
Col(Field)[U]$ = Oe; // Set column unit
Col(Data)[U]$ = emu; // Set column unit
Col(Datasub)[U]$ = emu; // Set column unit
Col(Magnetization)[U]$ = Tnm; // Set column unit
col(Datasub)=col(mcorr)+Slope*col(Field); // substract paramagnetism