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 GetN selection into a new sheet

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michaelbraun Posted - 07/09/2015 : 5:17:21 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): Origin 2015 sr2
Operating System:Windows

Hi, I am currently trying to fit a gaussian peak in a dataset. I have not found a way to directly limit the NLSF fitting to only a user selected range (ie through GetN), so instead I am trying to use GetN to select the appropriate data range, dump that into a new worksheet, replot the selected data and apply to NLSF routine.

I am able to use GetN to pop up a dialog and have me select the appropriate region, and I can make a new data sheet. However I cannot get the data to insert into the sheet. Help on directly limiting the NLSF fit, or how to get the output from GetN into a worksheet would be great!

Here is my header and GetN code

#include <Origin.h>
#include <..\OriginLab\theme_utils.h>
#include <GetNBox.h>
			GETN_INTERACTIVE(Range1, "Select Range", "Graph")	
			if( GetNBox(gettr) ) // returns true if click OK button
				DataRange dr;
				dr.Add("Range1", gettr.Range1.strVal);
				vector vData;
				int index = 0; // range index
				dr.GetData(&vData, index); // The data in vData is the selected data points
                        //make a new worksheet for the data
                        Worksheet   newwks;
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
michaelbraun Posted - 07/10/2015 : 5:23:30 PM
Your solution partially worked. I was able to add part of the selected data (the y data points), but I cannot figure out how to also get the x data points out of the GetN selection. As this is a slightly different issue, I opened a new topic here:
Castiel Posted - 07/09/2015 : 7:55:27 PM
Originally posted by michaelbraun

Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): Origin 2015 sr2
Operating System:Windows

Hi, I am currently trying to fit a gaussian peak in a dataset. I have not found a way to directly limit the NLSF fitting to only a user selected range (ie through GetN), so instead I am trying to use GetN to select the appropriate data range, dump that into a new worksheet, replot the selected data and apply to NLSF routine.

I am able to use GetN to pop up a dialog and have me select the appropriate region, and I can make a new data sheet. However I cannot get the data to insert into the sheet. Help on directly limiting the NLSF fit, or how to get the output from GetN into a worksheet would be great!

Here is my header and GetN code

#include <Origin.h>
#include <..\OriginLab\theme_utils.h>
#include <GetNBox.h>
			GETN_INTERACTIVE(Range1, "Select Range", "Graph")	
			if( GetNBox(gettr) ) // returns true if click OK button
				DataRange dr;
				dr.Add("Range1", gettr.Range1.strVal);
				vector vData;
				int index = 0; // range index
				dr.GetData(&vData, index); // The data in vData is the selected data points
                        //make a new worksheet for the data
                        Worksheet   newwks;

vector<double> vData = {1,2,3,4};
vectorbase& vb = newwks.Columns(0).GetDataObject();
vb = vData;

Now the first column in newwks is {1,2,3,4}.

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