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 Extracting both x and y data from GetN graph

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michaelbraun Posted - 07/10/2015 : 5:20:25 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): Origin 2015 sr2
Operating System: Windows

Hi, I am attempting to select a certain data range on a plot using GetN. I get the dialog to come up and successfully select the correct data. However, I can only get the y data points to export? I think I am missing a dr.Add command, but I don't know what to reference to get the x points corresponding to each y point?

My header and relevant code, the last 2 lines add the grabbed y data points to the appropriate column in my worksheet:

#include <Origin.h>
#include <..\OriginLab\theme_utils.h>
#include <GetNBox.h>

			GETN_INTERACTIVE(Range1, "Select Range", "Graph")
			vector yData, xData;
			if( GetNBox(gettr) ) // returns true if click OK button
				DataRange dr;
				dr.Add("Range1", gettr.Range1.strVal);
				dr.GetData(&yData, 0); //0 is the index location of data
				dr.GetData(&xData, 1); //This doesn't do anything right now, but I would like it to.
		//write selected data to original worksheet
				vectorbase& vy = wks.Columns(4).GetDataObject();
				vy = yData;

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
michaelbraun Posted - 07/10/2015 : 9:54:55 PM
Worked great, thank you! Just a note for anyone else coming across this, if you want to use the selected data placed into the xData and yData vectors, they need to be initialized outside the if statement. My section of working code is:

#include <Origin.h>
#include <..\OriginLab\theme_utils.h>
#include <GetNBox.h>
                //Select data from graph
			GETN_XYRANGE(Range1, "Select Range", 1, "")
			vector yData, xData;
			if( GetNBox(gettr) ) // returns true if click OK button
				XYRange dr;
				xy_range_from_GetN_data_node(gettr.Range1.Range1, dr);
				dr.GetData(yData, xData);
		//write selected data to original worksheet
				vectorbase& vy = wks.Columns(4).GetDataObject();
				vy = yData;
				vectorbase& vx = wks.Columns(3).GetDataObject();
				vx = xData;

Castiel Posted - 07/10/2015 : 9:03:10 PM
Originally posted by michaelbraun

Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): Origin 2015 sr2
Operating System: Windows

Hi, I am attempting to select a certain data range on a plot using GetN. I get the dialog to come up and successfully select the correct data. However, I can only get the y data points to export? I think I am missing a dr.Add command, but I don't know what to reference to get the x points corresponding to each y point?

My header and relevant code, the last 2 lines add the grabbed y data points to the appropriate column in my worksheet:

#include <Origin.h>
#include <..\OriginLab\theme_utils.h>
#include <GetNBox.h>

			GETN_INTERACTIVE(Range1, "Select Range", "Graph")
			vector yData, xData;
			if( GetNBox(gettr) ) // returns true if click OK button
				DataRange dr;
				dr.Add("Range1", gettr.Range1.strVal);
				dr.GetData(&yData, 0); //0 is the index location of data
				dr.GetData(&xData, 1); //This doesn't do anything right now, but I would like it to.
		//write selected data to original worksheet
				vectorbase& vy = wks.Columns(4).GetDataObject();
				vy = yData;

Should have been GETN_XYRANGE.

//GETN_INTERACTIVE(Range1, "Select Range", "Graph")
GETN_XYRANGE(Range1, "Select Range", 1, "")
if( GetNBox(gettr) ) // returns true if click OK button
    XYRange dr;
    xy_range_from_GetN_data_node(gettr.Range1.Range1, dr);
    vector xData, yData;
    dr.GetData(yData, xData);

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