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 Custom Import filter: how to get number of files?

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hofmaale Posted - 11/03/2015 : 09:18:57 AM

annother "problem" (also mere cosmetic); For a custom import script, the function called from Origin has the prototype
int import_Files(Layer &lyTarget, TreeNode &trFilter, LPCSTR lpcszFile, int nFile)

It does not get the total number of files as a parameter, also the tree trFilter does not provide an a node with the total amount of files. Is there a possibility to get that number somewhere else?

A workaround would be to select the files using a select-files dialog and to not use the import filter-dialog at all, but I'm still interested in querying the total number of files selected in the Import-Dialog...

Thanks in advance,


Origin Ver. and Service Release: 2015G Sr1
Operating System: Win7 x64
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
hofmaale Posted - 11/05/2015 : 03:44:52 AM

well, yes and no; of course I can use this to somehow count the number of times the function is called, but - the function itself will never see how many files will be imported, and it will not know when it's the last time.

I guess I have to create my own "Select File" dialog; I don't use the options in the Import-Dialog anyway, so I guess this will work better.

Thanks anyway...
jasonzhao Posted - 11/04/2015 : 10:04:51 PM

There is one argument called 'nFile' which is 'The file index number in an ordered sequence of imported files';
The nFile begins with 0, in order to count the amount of files, please try the code below in your main function:

static int nTotalFiles;
int import_Files(Layer &lyTarget, TreeNode &trFilter, LPCSTR lpcszFile, int nFile)
    nTotalFiles = nFile;
nTotalFiles = nFile+1;

the nTotalFiles is the total number of files. Because If you import n files, your function gets called n times, nTotalFiles will increase n times.

For further information, please contact

Best regards!
OriginLab Technical Service
hofmaale Posted - 11/04/2015 : 03:21:08 AM
I mean the function behind the "User Defined Filters" (see or

jasonzhao Posted - 11/03/2015 : 10:27:47 PM

Did you mean this import function?

Or this one in Samples folder?
ImportIntegers(Layer &lyTarget, TreeNode &trFilter, LPCSTR lpcszFile, int nFile)

The prototype in webpage is not the same as that in your function.

Best regards!
OriginLab Technical Service

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