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 Origin c Functions Slow Down SIGNIFICANTLY

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Nikola Draganic Posted - 06/14/2016 : 12:30:35 PM
I am using Origin 9.1(Gov).
I wrote multiple functions which take ranges (columns) as vector<double> 's and find things like the derivative, rolling averages on non-static binning, and custom baseline development.

I am fine up to this point where the functions work correctly and speedily(2-4 to find baseline with all inbetween steps).
When using, the functions repetedly, I notice they slow down to about 45 secs after a few re imports original data.
This fixed by saving, closing, and opening the file again. But the real problem is with batch process, where I can see the import take more and more time inbetween. By the way, with Origin's baseline modes, this does not happen.

Should I be deleting my vectors after I use them and if so how...
And how do you make this faster...
Also can you parrallel the batch process?


Nikola Draganic
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jasonzhao Posted - 06/15/2016 : 04:23:30 AM

Batch Process feature has been improved in Origin 2016

Would you please try our current version Origin 2016 to see the improvement

Best regards!
OriginLab Technical Service
Nikola Draganic Posted - 06/14/2016 : 12:54:36 PM
it might be a good idea to post some code that I use
rIx: range In x
rIy: range In y
angles because the binning is un even...
calling something like avgIterAng(rIx, rIy, .02, .02, 12);
can take from 2 to 20 secs... you can try it in a batch why?

vector<double> avgIterAng(vector<double> rIx,vector<double> rIy,
double backAng, double frontAng, int iter)
rs = rIx.GetSize();
vector<double> rO(rs);

for(int j = 0; j < iter; j++)
for(int i =0; i < rs; i++)
double sum = 0.0;
int backPt = -1, frontPt = -1, tracker = i;
//-1 because the first condition in while
//looops will always pass

while(tracker>-1 && rIx[i]-rIx[tracker]<backAng)
tracker--; backPt++;
tracker = i;
while(tracker<rs && rIx[tracker]-rIx[i]<frontAng)
tracker++; frontPt++;

for(int index = i-backPt; index <= i+frontPt; index++)
if (index>=0 && index<rs) sum += rIy[index];
else if (index<0) sum += rIy[0];
else sum += rIy[rs-1];
rO[i] = sum/(backPt+frontPt+1);
rIy =rO;

rO = rIy;
return rO;


Nikola Draganic

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