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 drawing lots of lines

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
couturier Posted - 07/07/2016 : 04:45:47 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 2016
Operating System:7


I want to draw a huge amount of lines in a graph (many hundreds).
Each line property can be accessed in vectors (position, color, name).
I've been using LT but was wondering if I could speed things up with OC.

So far, only way I found was to loop through my vectors and use CreateGraphObject, set up a tree style, UpdateThemeIDs and ApplyFormat.

In the end, time execution is about the same. Looks like UpdateThemeIDs and ApplyFormat are highly time consumming.
Is there any way to massively create, set and apply style in one shot (maybe with Collection<GraphObject> grobjcollection) ?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
couturier Posted - 07/20/2016 : 03:56:29 AM
One again, thanks a lot Castiel for your help.

Still a few issues with the script, and maybe some people from Olab could give advice as well:
- in the script above, as well as in the script example in Layer::CreateShapeGraphObjects help page, the names of the objects should increment (lines0, lines1, ...). They all have the same name

- style: any method or hidden option for creating objects with different color than black ?

- any method for massively editing style ?
Castiel Posted - 07/13/2016 : 06:40:56 AM
Originally posted by couturier


Played a bit with the options but looks like all the objects are joined together, so no possibility to edit/delete them separately afterwards.

Thanks anyway

void create_line_objects()
    vector<double> vxPos = {1.0,3.5,3.5,1.5,1.5, 1,4, 2,2, 1,4, 3,3};
    vector<double> vyPos = {2.5,2.5,0.5,0.5,3.0, 1,1, 0,3, 2,2, 0,3};
    vector<uint> vShapeIndex = {0, 5, 7, 9, 11};
    vector<uint> vBlockIndex = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4};

    GraphPage gp;
    GraphLayer gl;
    gl = gp.Layers();

    gl.CreateShapeGraphObjects(vxPos, vyPos, vShapeIndex, vBlockIndex, "lines", 0, CPO_POLYLINE);

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couturier Posted - 07/12/2016 : 12:24:39 PM

Played a bit with the options but looks like all the objects are joined together, so no possibility to edit/delete them separately afterwards.

Thanks anyway
Castiel Posted - 07/12/2016 : 05:41:39 AM
Originally posted by couturier

Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 2016
Operating System:7


I want to draw a huge amount of lines in a graph (many hundreds).
Each line property can be accessed in vectors (position, color, name).
I've been using LT but was wondering if I could speed things up with OC.

So far, only way I found was to loop through my vectors and use CreateGraphObject, set up a tree style, UpdateThemeIDs and ApplyFormat.

In the end, time execution is about the same. Looks like UpdateThemeIDs and ApplyFormat are highly time consumming.
Is there any way to massively create, set and apply style in one shot (maybe with Collection<GraphObject> grobjcollection) ?

To create objects, I suppose you may have a try of

Not sure how to apply style in that way.

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