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 Question about including multiple source files

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
couturier Posted - 08/19/2020 : 06:27:11 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin):2020b
Operating System:win10 64

I've built a series of 8 Apps that work together
- 1 App is using 3 files: say main.c, analysis.c and reports.c
main.c is using functions in analysis.c and reports.c
main.c starts with #include "reports.c"
analysis.c has analysis functions
reports.c is used for building various reports, and is using analysis.c. It starts with #include "analysis.c"

- the 7 other Apps have their own main.c, AND are using analysis.c and reports.c from 1st App
The main code of all those 7 Apps starts with #include "..\1st App\reports.c"

This is how I did, with my global misunderstanding of C language, but maybe there's a much better way ?

Now, I want to share those Apps around but I don't want users to see the source code.
I think sharing .op files is better because building will be much faster (and I'm 100% sure I will forget password in .ocz files).

I could successfully generate .op files with @OCSB=0; but then, how can I include those .op files into main.c (I mean #include "reports_64.op" doesn't work) ?

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
couturier Posted - 08/20/2020 : 03:40:10 AM
cpyang Posted - 08/19/2020 : 6:57:21 PM
You should only load your main OC file, but need to indicate to auto load dependents.

run.LoadOC("%@ACloud ASP\ASP", 16)


couturier Posted - 08/19/2020 : 4:59:22 PM
Thanks everybody for the help and explanations, things progress a bit.

I still have that "function body could not be located during linking" error.
if ( !run.LoadOC("%@ACloud ASP\ASP_Utils", 2) && !run.LoadOC("%@ACloud ASP\ASP", 2) ) ASP_PSQS();
will give error

If I use the build button in code builder, everything compile and link and I can use the App

cpyang Posted - 08/19/2020 : 2:15:26 PM

bool ASP_Build_Report(string strJson, int& back, int& forth, int SHN = 1, int newbook = 1)

You need to remove the defaults in the function implementation. Defaults can be in prototypes only.

couturier Posted - 08/19/2020 : 1:53:50 PM
I had many errors so I tried so simplify things and I merged the 2 common files
The main App can work on its own (without the others installed)

It has:
if ( !run.LoadOC("%@ACloud ASP\ASP_Utils", 2) && !run.LoadOC("%@ACloud ASP\ASP", 2) ) ASP_PSQS();

ASP.c which starts with #include "ASP_Utils.h"

ASP_Utils.h: all functions prototypes

ASP_Utils.c: starts with #include "ASP_Utils.h" and has all functions bodies

When I try to compile, I get those 2 errors:

error: C:\Users\acouturier\AppData\Local\OriginLab\Apps\Cloud ASP\ASP.c(1102) :Error, Function ASP_laboSEP@_LBAABAAALBAABAAA was called, but its body could not be located during linking.

ASP_laboSEP prototype is located in ASP_utils.h
ASP_laboSEP body is located in ASP_utils.c

now that function is overloaded (not sure it is the correct term)
it appears as:
string ASP_laboSEP()
void ASP_laboSEP(vector<string>& vlab, vector<string>& vstud)

could it be the issue ?

And 2nd error:
C:\Users\acouturier\AppData\Local\OriginLab\Apps\Cloud ASP\ASP_Utils.c(309) :Error, function declaration does not match previous declaration of the same function.

function prototype looks like:
bool ASP_Build_Report(string strJson, int& back, int& forth, int SHN = 1, int newbook = 1);

function body looks like
bool ASP_Build_Report(string strJson, int& back, int& forth, int SHN = 1, int newbook = 1)
some code here;

Am I doing any beginner's mistake ?
Chris D Posted - 08/19/2020 : 12:25:17 PM

Additionally are you still getting the security issues once you moved away from using OP files?

Chris Drozdowski
Originlab Technical Support
Chris D Posted - 08/19/2020 : 11:48:50 AM
Hi Antoine,

If you want to hide code from users, create OCZ files instead of C files. Header files cannot be encrypted but because the only contain function prototypes perhaps it isn't so important they are can be human readable.


Chris Drozdowski
Originlab Technical Support
couturier Posted - 08/19/2020 : 11:28:50 AM

I was suspecting that, but wanted to be sure before creating a header file for several hundreds of functions.

I've created the opx and I have a few issues:
- cannot install the opx on any other computer. I have an error message saying that installation is not allowed, contact admin
First tim I see that

- in my computer, I was expecting much faster compiling with op files. It looks the opposite.
Plus, it looks like files are compiled everytime I call the App (I mean, it takes quite a while before the dialog shows)
With regular .c files, it happens at first launch only
Castiel Posted - 08/19/2020 : 06:57:23 AM
Originally posted by couturier

Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin):2020b
Operating System:win10 64

I've built a series of 8 Apps that work together
- 1 App is using 3 files: say main.c, analysis.c and reports.c
main.c is using functions in analysis.c and reports.c
main.c starts with #include "reports.c"
analysis.c has analysis functions
reports.c is used for building various reports, and is using analysis.c. It starts with #include "analysis.c"

- the 7 other Apps have their own main.c, AND are using analysis.c and reports.c from 1st App
The main code of all those 7 Apps starts with #include "..\1st App\reports.c"

This is how I did, with my global misunderstanding of C language, but maybe there's a much better way ?

Now, I want to share those Apps around but I don't want users to see the source code.
I think sharing .op files is better because building will be much faster (and I'm 100% sure I will forget password in .ocz files).

I could successfully generate .op files with @OCSB=0; but then, how can I include those .op files into main.c (I mean #include "reports_64.op" doesn't work) ?


Instead of including the source code file, you should in your .c files include the header file.

Let's say, there is a function in analysis.c like this:
double foo(double x, double y)

then create an analysis.h file with:
double foo(double x, double y);

In your main.c:

#include "analysis.h"

double f = foo(x, y);

Prior to building in Code Builder, you should load the op manually:

In practice, create and include the header files rather than the source code.

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