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 Formating DataPlots

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Peter1086 Posted - 06/08/2021 : 10:15:38 AM
Origin 2021 (64-bit)
Operating System: Win 10

Hello there,
I'm working on my Master Thesis and use Origin for the first time. I have some difficulties with formating some plots and the Guide isn't very helpful. It is really hard to learn Origin C with this Guide.

There is no Problem formating (e.g. change LineWidth of) a plot line, if there is only one X-Set and one Y-Set of Data in a DataRange with these lines of code:

DataPlot dp = gl.DataPlots(-1);
tr = dp.GetFormat(FPB_ALL, FOB_ALL, true, true);
tr.Root.Line.Width.dVal = 1.5;                  
if( 0 == dp.UpdateThemeIDs(tr.Root))
    bool bRet = dp.ApplyFormat(tr, true, true);

The problem arises when i want to use a DataRange with one X-Set and several Y-Sets. Then the GetFormat function doesn't resul in a functional tree variable independent of the Dataplot i chose, so I can't change any properties. I know I can change these properties by hand in the Graph, but it would take ages, I'll need a lot of graphs. I would be glad about some help.
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Chris D Posted - 06/08/2021 : 1:30:22 PM
Why don't you submit a support ticket as it may be more efficient communication than this forum:

Chris Drozdowski
Originlab Technical Support
Peter1086 Posted - 06/08/2021 : 11:59:58 AM
Thank you for the fast answer.

I was given some old Origin C scripts (not executable with the new Origin Version), whose author isn't available anymore. I should update these and get them running. I was told to use Origin C, so I did. As I said before, this is my first time using Origin. So I'm still learning and Origin C is the only aspect of Origin I am capable of using (at least a little bit).

If it is easier and faster with a template, then I'll go for a template, but on the first glimpse in the guide it doesn't look easier (for me). Understanding how templates work, will probably take its time and the time I can spend on analysing the Data is limited. Is my problem not solvable in Origin C? If it is not, could you please explain me how to plot with a template?
Chris D Posted - 06/08/2021 : 11:14:52 AM
Instead of formatting via Origin C, why don't you create a graph template with formatting in the template. Then load and plot into the graph template via Origin C?

Chris Drozdowski
Originlab Technical Support

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