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 Solve nonlinear equation using NAG function

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aplotnikov Posted - 07/11/2022 : 11:25:42 AM

I would like to solve a nonlinear equation like
for different sets of parameters (a,b). I can do it easily in R - the solution exists always for all the reasonable combinations of parameters, but I need a solution in Origin implemented as OriginC function without any connection to R.

There are several NAG functions suited for this purpose, but I didn't find any example of a call with user-defined coefficients, etc.

I guess, I need to use
structure for this purpose. An illustrative example I would appreciate.

PS. I haven't succeed to solve this equation using EquationSolver.opx. Is it possible at all?

Thanks in advance.
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aplotnikov Posted - 07/14/2022 : 11:18:17 AM
There is a difference between an example and a relevant example. I am trying to understand, how exactly I can transfer coefficients (not the x-values!) into the function fcn(). There is noting on this topic in the description you are referring to.
Castiel Posted - 07/14/2022 : 10:48:34 AM
Originally posted by aplotnikov

Hi Castiel,

Thanks for reply!

I read this description already - I always try to RTFM first. :) unfortunately this description contains neither the answer on my question nor any relevant example.



It does have an example. See 10.1 from that very webpage.

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YimingChen Posted - 07/14/2022 : 10:31:35 AM
Here is a simplified version of the Equation Solver app using the same nag function. To check the source code, you can go to the Code Builder window (press Alt + 4 in Origin workspace). In the Workspace panel on the left, right-click on the Apps folder and choose Add Existing Folder.... Then add the NonlinearSolver folder. Then you should be able to check the source code. Hope it helps.

aplotnikov Posted - 07/14/2022 : 08:08:18 AM
Hi Castiel,

Thanks for reply!

I read this description already - I always try to RTFM first. :) unfortunately this description contains neither the answer on my question nor any relevant example.


Castiel Posted - 07/13/2022 : 10:30:22 AM
Originally posted by aplotnikov


I would like to solve a nonlinear equation like
for different sets of parameters (a,b). I can do it easily in R - the solution exists always for all the reasonable combinations of parameters, but I need a solution in Origin implemented as OriginC function without any connection to R.

There are several NAG functions suited for this purpose, but I didn't find any example of a call with user-defined coefficients, etc.

I guess, I need to use
structure for this purpose. An illustrative example I would appreciate.

PS. I haven't succeed to solve this equation using EquationSolver.opx. Is it possible at all?

Thanks in advance.
You can find an example from the above link.

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aplotnikov Posted - 07/13/2022 : 04:18:49 AM
Hi Echo,

Thanks for a helpful hint! However I need to solve the equation for hundreds points. Thus, a more convenient solution using NAG function is still necessary. The C-code of the EquationSolver.opx may be very illustrative.


Echo_Chu Posted - 07/13/2022 : 01:34:47 AM
It looks there is no problem to solve your equation with Equation Solver . Please look at the image below as an example. In the example I set a = 1 and b=2. You can set a and b to any other set of value as you needs.

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