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 New to C taking a Learning class

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cooperspick Posted - 05/15/2011 : 7:06:17 PM
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I am taking an intro to C class and am not sure how much I will comprehend as I run a sports site but dont do most of the changes. Will this be beyond my comprehension and what should I expect and where on this forum can I go for help and tips in case I get stuck on something?
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Abram22 Posted - 09/14/2011 : 06:15:53 AM
Thanks for this valuable information..Really loved reading each and every word..Thanks..keep doing this good work..cheerss!!
stevecoslow01 Posted - 08/24/2011 : 11:01:56 PM
Im currently working with my thesis can any help me. I'm making a C program right now.

Steve Coslow
michealbi Posted - 08/04/2011 : 02:02:36 AM
Originally posted by cooperspick

So far it's not too bad I am learning Scanf functions
// means notes
it's always good to take notes I have been told so the next person can know why you coded it that way.

I told the teacher that I have a website and I figured it would benefit me learning basic programming and he applauded it but I am still a little worried that the tasks may get a bit ahead of me.

Problem Solving and Program Design is the book that I downloaded for the class and it's like 400+ pages so any help you can give me this semester will be much appreciated.

thanks for your advice. I need it. thank again
bigoyjacob Posted - 06/29/2011 : 11:50:27 PM
Originally posted by randymellott

When I had to learn C in university, I used online tutorials and guides. They're a lot more concise and easier to read than boring textbooks for me. I reckon I'd fall asleep if I were to crack open the books.

Yeah, they are a lot more fun than boring textbooks
randymellott Posted - 06/14/2011 : 01:32:35 AM
When I had to learn C in university, I used online tutorials and guides. They're a lot more concise and easier to read than boring textbooks for me. I reckon I'd fall asleep if I were to crack open the books.
bigoyjacob Posted - 05/31/2011 : 3:55:49 PM
I think a video tutorial along with the books is a good idea.
canadahottub456 Posted - 05/31/2011 : 07:19:36 AM
maybe video tutorials can teach me fast enough with help of books.. although im new to this but I have already doing programming for basics

cooperspick Posted - 05/21/2011 : 12:57:04 PM
thanks so much in advance

cooperspick Posted - 05/21/2011 : 12:55:31 PM
So far it's not too bad I am learning Scanf functions
// means notes
it's always good to take notes I have been told so the next person can know why you coded it that way.

I told the teacher that I have a website and I figured it would benefit me learning basic programming and he applauded it but I am still a little worried that the tasks may get a bit ahead of me.

Problem Solving and Program Design is the book that I downloaded for the class and it's like 400+ pages so any help you can give me this semester will be much appreciated.
Tony4 Posted - 05/20/2011 : 07:33:18 AM
I haven't touched C since I was at college, so although I'm not new to it, any advice would be useful as a starting point.
princesssakura Posted - 05/18/2011 : 09:50:19 AM
I'm also new to C. I've been looking for books to help me in learning more about C. I've also been browsing through forums that could in anyway aid me in my lessons. I need to have as much resources I can get.
PaulWatson Posted - 05/16/2011 : 03:13:19 AM
I'm currently on to C programming. I need some information to help me along the way. Thanks in advance.


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