T O P I C R E V I E W |
Xeal |
Posted - 08/22/2011 : 2:52:29 PM HI !
I've seen that it is possible to define a fit function containing an integral using the NAG-Library: http://qhwiki.originlab.com/~originla/howto/index.php?title=Tutorial:Fitting_with_Integral_using_NAG_Library
In the Tutorial the Integration variable is equal to the dependant vaiable of the fit function: x.
In my case, I have to fit something like:
In this forumular x is the dependant variable. U and v are fitting parameters. The integration variable is u.
Is it possible to do this fit in origin ?
4 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Penn |
Posted - 09/01/2011 : 02:45:36 AM Hi,
The solution can be using external DLLs combined with GSL lib. I have sent the related opx to your email box. Please check.
Penn |
Xeal |
Posted - 08/31/2011 : 4:34:50 PM no answers ? |
Xeal |
Posted - 08/24/2011 : 1:53:07 PM thank you very much for your quick answer. I've read the tutorial and changed the variables and fitting function, so that fitting works fine.
The only problem I have: Everything is pretty slow (my data consists of approx. 2000 points and I have 4 fitting Parameters. The integral Boundarys are also fitting parameters.
Currently I'm using the d01sjc function of the NAG library. Is there an other function from the nag library which is maybe faster ?
Holger |
Penn |
Posted - 08/22/2011 : 11:21:33 PM Hi,
Maybe you can refer to this tutorial.
Penn |