The problem is not about the comma. There is the number of characters of arguments limitation when calling a function in LabTalk. For now, the solution is to put the "title" and "input" into the LabTalk string, such as
m_originApp.Execute("StringArray wordArray; StringArray styleArray;");
string str = "wordArray.Add(abc); styleArray.Add(123);";
// string title = "\"this is the title, please check \"";
m_originApp.Execute("string title$ = \"this is the title, please check\";");
// string input = "C:\\Users\\origin\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tdv_1468707591030654585.dat";
m_originApp.Execute("string input$ = \"C:\\Users\\origin\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tdv_1468707591030654585.dat\";");
// string pltSampleCMD1 = "string testName$ = CSharp_test2(" + title + "," + input + ", wordArray, styleArray, 1)$;";
string pltSampleCMD1 = "string testName$ = CSharp_test2(title$, input$, wordArray, styleArray, 1)$;";
string st1 = m_originApp.get_LTStr("testName");
MessageBox.Show(st1, "Msg");