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 Linear Fit with external Python

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TorbenS Posted - 03/24/2021 : 3:08:09 PM
I am trying to do a linear Fit with external Python. As far as I understood I need to execute a Labtalk Command via obj.LT_execute().
My first question is on which object I need to execute the command. Since I want to fit the data in the plot my first suggestion was to use
plot.obj.LT_execute('fitLR'). But this did not worked out. Did I choose the wrong object or the wrong command or maybe both.
My second question would be if there is a list containing the correct Synthax for such Labtalk commands.

Thanks in advance and best regards!
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
TorbenS Posted - 03/26/2021 : 05:19:17 AM

thank you for your suggestions. @ Chris D your solution worked fine for me.

Best regards,
Chris D Posted - 03/25/2021 : 08:53:57 AM

Currently it is not really possible in pure Python to create a complete linear fit report and fitted curve like the one produced in the Origin GUI.

Your best bet is to create an analysis template with a data sheet, embedded graph, and a fitting from the graph using Origin itself. Then load this analysis template in Python and populate the data sheet.

I assume that you know how to add data to a worksheet. There is an example of a linear fit analysis template here:

C:\Program Files\OriginLab\Origin2021\Samples\Batch Processing\Sensor Analysis.ogwu

In Python, you'd load the analysis template book like this:

# Load analysis template book that ships with Origin.
at = op.load_book(op.path('e') + r'Samples\Batch Processing\Sensor Analysis.ogwu')

# Get 1st worksheet in book.
wks = at[0]

// Populate worksheet

# Wait for analysis operation to complete.

Please let us know if you need more information or help on this.

Chris Drozdowski
Originlab Technical Support
TorbenS Posted - 03/25/2021 : 05:40:41 AM
first if all thanks for the fast answers. I will try your different suggestion.

@Chris D: I want generate a fitted curve and a data sheet.

Best regards
cpyang Posted - 03/24/2021 : 6:46:09 PM
See if the following is useful,

import originpro as op
wb = op.new_book()
wks = wb[0]
fn=op.path('e') + 'Samples\Curve Fitting\Linear Fit.dat'
wb.lt_exec('fitlr (A,D)')
print(f'slope={slope} intercept={intercept}')

It will fit A(x) D(y).
To find details on the FitLR X-Function, you type into Origin script window

fitlr -h

Any XF execution will create a LabTalk Tree of the same name, so after the fit, you can find the full tree by


from script window.

Chris D Posted - 03/24/2021 : 4:52:14 PM

Are you trying to generate a fitted curve and report sheet or do you just want to do a fit and get back slope and intercept.

Chris Drozdowski
Originlab Technical Support
一击爆裂陈子豪 Posted - 03/24/2021 : 4:25:37 PM
It is not LT_execute(), but lt_exec().

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