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 Set up the legend

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cts18488 Posted - 11/29/2021 : 11:36:32 AM

I have a series of spectra and for each spectrum Origin is generating a line in legend. Is there a way in Python to show the legend for only a spectrum and remove the line before the name? I want to use the legend as a title, as there is not a lot of space to set up the title for each graph (please see the first line of graphs in the picture for more information)

Thank you,

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cts18488 Posted - 12/07/2021 : 07:24:05 AM
Thank you a lot!

Originally posted by YimingChen

You need to obtain the legend object for each layer and change its text. Try the code below:

for gl in gp:
    lgnd = gl.label('Legend')
    lgnd.text=' \l(1) %(1)'

Must have something different from internal "\l(1) %(1)" to prevent auto expending so I just added a space, but you can add a caption or whatever as long as it is different from the generic internal form

We added this as another sample on github


YimingChen Posted - 11/29/2021 : 5:05:17 PM
You need to obtain the legend object for each layer and change its text. Try the code below:

for gl in gp:
    lgnd = gl.label('Legend')
    lgnd.text=' \l(1) %(1)'

Must have something different from internal "\l(1) %(1)" to prevent auto expending so I just added a space, but you can add a caption or whatever as long as it is different from the generic internal form

We added this as another sample on github


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