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 How to change the "divide by factor"?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ChemistryGuy Posted - 06/14/2022 : 4:50:30 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release: 2022b
Operating System: Windows 11

I am writing a PyCharm script to to generate a graph with an axis that uses the "divide by factor" feature.

If I generate my graph using a template, I can ensure that the axis has a "divide by factor" in use. However, I do not know in advance what value for the "divide by factor" is suitable for my data set.

I can calculate a suitable value for the "divide by factor" within my PyCharm script, based on my data set. But the problem is that I could not find a way to change the value of the "divide by factor" in the Origin graph itself.

Please would you advise me if there is a way to programmatically alter this value?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ChemistryGuy Posted - 06/16/2022 : 02:11:06 AM
Thank you for this advice, I gave it a try and it worked perfectly!

And good to know there are additional functions available in LabTalk I will keep this in mind.
minimax Posted - 06/14/2022 : 10:42:06 PM

I think there is no raw python interface now.

So you may use Labtalk instead, like

gp = op.find_graph()
gl = gp[0]
fac = 10

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