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 How to add axis labels

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cts18488 Posted - 06/20/2022 : 4:30:56 PM
Origin Ver. 2021b and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): SR2
Operating System: Windows 10 Enterprise


Can you please tell me what is the code to add an axis label? Also, I want to include in the label a variable from python (please see the example below)

x = 100
The axis label in python: "the grid separation is x meters"
and the following one to appear in Origin as an axis label: the grid separation is 100 meters.

Thank you,
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cpyang Posted - 06/24/2022 : 12:27:19 PM
Originally posted by cts18488

Thank you!

And how can I make it bold? What would be the command?


Bold etc are formatting escapes for any text labels on a graph, called Origin Rich Text, see

So in the case above, you use

gl.axis('x').title = f'\\b(the grid separation is {val} meters)'

Double backslash is needed since Python is also using backslash for escape character.

cts18488 Posted - 06/24/2022 : 12:10:33 PM
Thank you!

And how can I make it bold? What would be the command?

Originally posted by cpyang

I assume axis label you mean axis title?

import originpro as op
graph = op.new_graph(template='line')
gl = graph[0]
gl.axis('x').title = f'the grid separation is {val} meters'


cpyang Posted - 06/20/2022 : 5:37:58 PM
I assume axis label you mean axis title?

import originpro as op
graph = op.new_graph(template='line')
gl = graph[0]
gl.axis('x').title = f'the grid separation is {val} meters'

cts18488 Posted - 06/20/2022 : 4:34:27 PM
also, can you tell me how to specify which axis to use? X or Y axis.
Originally posted by cts18488

Origin Ver. 2021b and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): SR2
Operating System: Windows 10 Enterprise


Can you please tell me what is the code to add an axis label? Also, I want to include in the label a variable from python (please see the example below)

x = 100
The axis label in python: "the grid separation is x meters"
and the following one to appear in Origin as an axis label: the grid separation is 100 meters.

Thank you,

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