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 "in method 'OriginObject_SetNumProp', error

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
cts18488 Posted - 07/11/2022 : 4:14:44 PM
Origin Ver. 2021b and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): SR2
Operating System: Windows 10 Ent


I am trying to plot 16 heatmaps in a graph using a template. The first heatmap is plotted, however when the second heatmap is trying to be plotted I get the following error: in method 'OriginObject_SetNumProp', argument 3 of type 'double'.

I am using the following code:
def origin_shutdown_exception_hook(exctype, value, traceback):
'''Ensures Origin gets shut down if an uncaught exception'''
sys.__excepthook__(exctype, value, traceback)
if op and op.oext:
sys.excepthook = origin_shutdown_exception_hook

if op.oext:

wks = op.new_sheet(type='m', lname='16MM') # for matrices = 'M00'
wks.from_np(M00_new) # for matrices

x1,x2,y1,y2 = minx, maxx, miny, maxy

wks.xymap = x1,x2,y1,y2

mb = wks.get_book().add_sheet('M01')
mb.xymap = x1,x2,y1,y2 (and similar for the remaining 14 heatmaps)

new_path_template = path_template.replace('/', '\\')
gr = op.new_graph(template=(new_path_template + '\\Origin templates\\MMP_plot_heatmap16.otpu'), lname='16MM_plot')

gl_1 = gr[0]
p1 = gl_1.add_mplot(wks, 0, type = 105)
gl_1.axis('y').title = f'Y in mm ({distance_y} \u03BCm steps)'
gl_1.axis('x').title = f'X in mm ({distance_x} \u03BCm steps)'
z = p1.zlevels
z['minors'] = 6
z['levels'] = [0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1]
p1.zlevels = z
gl_1.set_float('', distance_x_mm)
gl_1.set_float('x.firstTick', minx)
gl_1.set_float('', distance_y_mm)
gl_1.set_float('y.firstTick', miny)
gl_1.set_int('x.label.decPlaces', 2)
gl_1.set_int('y.label.decPlaces', 2)

gl_2 = gr[1]
p2 = gl_2.add_mplot(mb, 0, type = 105)
gl_2.set_ylim(min_y, max_y)
gl_2.set_xlim(min_x, max_x)
z = p2.zlevels
z['minors'] = 6
z['levels'] = [min_value_M01, min_value_M01/2, 0, max_value_M01/2, max_value_M01]
p2.zlevels = z
gl_2.axis('y').title = f'Y in mm ({distance_y} \u03BCm steps)'
gl_2.axis('x').title = f'X in mm ({distance_x} \u03BCm steps)'
gl_2.set_float('', distance_x_mm)
gl_2.set_float('x.firstTick', minx)
gl_2.set_float('', distance_y_mm)
gl_2.set_float('y.firstTick', miny)
gl_2.set_int('x.label.decPlaces', 2)
gl_2.set_int('y.label.decPlaces', 2) (and then similar for the remaining 14 heatmaps)

Can you please help me sort out the issue?

Thanks, Tibi.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cts18488 Posted - 07/12/2022 : 09:28:49 AM
It seems that this in this line the issue was: gl_1.set_float('', distance_y_mm)

I have floated distance_y_mm and it works. Thanks for help.
cpyang Posted - 07/11/2022 : 6:21:18 PM
So it is related to one of those


but can you identify which one?

cts18488 Posted - 07/11/2022 : 5:31:14 PM
Also, I forgot to mention that I am using the same logic in another part of my script and it is working fine.
cts18488 Posted - 07/11/2022 : 5:20:51 PM
I have noticed that the issue is because of these lines:
gl_1.set_float('', distance_x_mm)
gl_1.set_float('x.firstTick', minx)
gl_1.set_float('', distance_y_mm)
gl_1.set_float('y.firstTick', miny)
gl_1.set_int('x.label.decPlaces', 2)
gl_1.set_int('y.label.decPlaces', 2)

But I don't understand why would this be a problem. I do really need those lines as I need to put the axis ticks at the middle of the square and label them with the coordinates.
cpyang Posted - 07/11/2022 : 4:27:24 PM
Maybe need to insert a delay between graph creation, like add

op.wait('s', 0.5)

before the next op.new_graph


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